The video is a bit unfair - the guy that made it picked some games that were Amiga originals, and were ported to the PC afterwards. Ports are very often inferior to the originals - this is still true today. An example would be Gods - the Bitmap Brothers were practically married to the Amiga, knowing every programming trick.
I remember the first game that made me want a PC was Wing Commander. I saw it on a _very_ expensive PC system, and it completely blew the Amiga version (which wasn't out at the time) away graphics-wise. On the other hand, it was hard to find a smooth-scrolling game on the PC. Where Amiga titles featured silky-smooth scrolling, the PC games would yerk around horribly. The Amiga is still a wonderful machine. WinUAE is very well developed, and it's a pleasure to play the classics. Hail WinUAE+WHDLoad! (;
EDIT: abyss again shows us his ignorance, and his one-track-mind. Well done! You don't know these games, but you know the Amiga versions are crappy, compared to the PC ports. Your deductive skills are stunning.