Reply 3340 of 3366, by Gemini000
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Ancient DOS Games Episode 324 - PC Golf & PC Pro-Golf is online!
I was originally intending only to cover PC Golf as we actually had this game on our Tandy 1000 SX way back when I was a kid. In fact, it was there from Day 1 of Dad owning the thing, meaning the guy doing the setup and installation for him must've been the one to put it on there! :O
But, going back to it and finding out there was barely much to say, I tried to broaden the scope of the video and found out about PC Pro-Golf which struck me as being surprisingly similar at first... but the more I dug into it the more I realized there's no way both games were made by the same person, though PC Pro-Golf definitely feels inspired by PC Golf, at least to some extent.
Either way, calling these both "games" is kind of a misnomer, as you will soon see...
--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
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