First post, by Scythifuge

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I have a VIA MVP3 (2a5led4gc) w/ K6-2 500 w/ 128mb RAM on the way. While I cannot remember much of anything about the parts, this system reminds me of my very first PC I ever custom-built, based around an AMD K6-2 350 with an ATI AIW 128, back in 2000. I remember noting when comparing my two systems that I didn't notice much of a performance difference between that system and my much more expensive Gateway P3 450 w/ Voodoo 3 I had at the time. It was then that I decided that all of my rigs, other than what I acquire 2nd hand, would be custom builds, going forward. While I have been enjoying Wing Commander on a rebuilt Intel board with a Pentium 166 MMX, it isn't what I really wanted (well I did want it just to have it.) VIA MVP3 (2a5led4gc) is much closer to what I was looking for. Plus, quite a few here on Vogons suggested trying to get a SS7 board.

Is there anything I should know about slowing this system down for playing games from 1980-1994? I downloaded almost every slowdown app I could find (setmul+moslo deluxe got my 166 to play Wing Commander 1 and I am almost to the end of the victory branch already!) This system is coming with a Geforce 2 MX400, but I will probably replace it with my Voodoo3 for Windows 3.x support. But I am hoping that there are Vogons users who may have experience with this board and K6 CPUs and using it to play old DOS games and throwing Windows 3.x on it. I am also curious to know if there is a driver out there in the wild which will allow a Rage 128 based card to work in Windows 3.x. It would be cool to get an AIW 128 for nostalgia, but I can forego it if there is no way (other than the patched SVGA driver) to use it in Windows 3.x, especially with a Voodoo3 on hand. I'll probably put the Geforce with a Pentium II or III system I have the parts for.

Other than the best strategy/apps for slowing down this mobo/CPU combo, is there anything else I should know about the board before it arrives? Am I fine with this CPU, or should I hunt down a different one? The seller mentioned selling it because of having multiple retro rigs, so I assume that the latest BIOS is on there. Any info and recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

As always, many thanks!

Reply 3 of 12, by Minutemanqvs

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Also talking about 4-in-1, if you ever use Windows 9x on it don't forget to install the vIA 4-in-1 driver as the very first driver you install. These VIA SS7 boards have all sorts of potential and fun issues with AGP support, usually blocking it to AGP 1x in the BIOS (this has multiple names) fixes most of them. With a Voodoo 3 you probably have more luck, they were amongst the most compatible cards.

Searching a Nexgen Nx586 with FPU, PM me if you have one. I have some Athlon MP systems and cookies.

Reply 4 of 12, by Scythifuge

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Minutemanqvs wrote on 2024-04-12, 05:19:

Also talking about 4-in-1, if you ever use Windows 9x on it don't forget to install the vIA 4-in-1 driver as the very first driver you install. These VIA SS7 boards have all sorts of potential and fun issues with AGP support, usually blocking it to AGP 1x in the BIOS (this has multiple names) fixes most of them. With a Voodoo 3 you probably have more luck, they were amongst the most compatible cards.

Thanks for the tip!

Reply 5 of 12, by marxveix

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Via 4.05B is good AGP driver for MVP3 usually and Rage128/Rage128Pro does not support Win 3.1, latest ATi card for Win 3.1 is Rage XL (Rage Pro) cards. I would use Geforce2 MX400, almost best performance card for AMD K6-2 and Win9x if you use older Nvidia drivers, like 7.76. With Rage128 you get 8 bit palleted textures support and good DVD playback and no table fog, Geforce2 has both, but no DVD playback acceleration. I usually like to go with AMD/ATI builds, but Geforce 2/3 64MB beats ATI Rage128 @ DX7 and OpenGL easly + no table fog for ATi Win9x setups. Voodoo3 is good choice, but it has 16 bit only, ATI Rage128 likes 32bit. Also i like Tnt2 with very old drivers @ K6-2 machines and Tnt2 has some Win3.1 support. Sometimes after ATi vga driver install i have to install Via agp driver again to get better (normal) performance back. If you go with ATi card, then do not use DX8 drivers, DX6 or some DX7 drivers are faster for AMD K6-2 old cpu.

Use Memory interleave enabler for VIA chipsets and "PCI Latency" patch for VIA chipsets

Here are some Win 3.1 drivers:

30+ MiniGL/OpenGL Win9x files for all Rage3 cards: Re: ATi RagePro OpenGL files

Reply 6 of 12, by Scythifuge

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marxveix wrote on 2024-04-12, 17:43:
Via 4.05B is good AGP driver for MVP3 usually and Rage128/Rage128Pro does not support Win 3.1, latest ATi card for Win 3.1 is Ra […]
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Via 4.05B is good AGP driver for MVP3 usually and Rage128/Rage128Pro does not support Win 3.1, latest ATi card for Win 3.1 is Rage XL (Rage Pro) cards. I would use Geforce2 MX400, almost best performance card for AMD K6-2 and Win9x if you use older Nvidia drivers, like 7.76. With Rage128 you get 8 bit palleted textures support and good DVD playback and no table fog, Geforce2 has both, but no DVD playback acceleration. I usually like to go with AMD/ATI builds, but Geforce 2/3 64MB beats ATI Rage128 @ DX7 and OpenGL easly + no table fog for ATi Win9x setups. Voodoo3 is good choice, but it has 16 bit only, ATI Rage128 likes 32bit. Also i like Tnt2 with very old drivers @ K6-2 machines and Tnt2 has some Win3.1 support. Sometimes after ATi vga driver install i have to install Via agp driver again to get better (normal) performance back. If you go with ATi card, then do not use DX8 drivers, DX6 or some DX7 drivers are faster for AMD K6-2 old cpu.

Use Memory interleave enabler for VIA chipsets and "PCI Latency" patch for VIA chipsets

Here are some Win 3.1 drivers:

Thank you for the info!

Reply 8 of 12, by Minutemanqvs

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This comes from the fact that the "+" chips are actually mobile chips and have features to control frequency via software. For the regular chips I you can still manually lower their speed via the jumpers and disable their cache in the bIOS to make everything slow, but it's not dynamic as far as I know.

Searching a Nexgen Nx586 with FPU, PM me if you have one. I have some Athlon MP systems and cookies.

Reply 9 of 12, by NostalgicAslinger

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marxveix wrote on 2024-04-12, 17:43:

Voodoo3 is good choice, but it has 16 bit only

Voodoo 4 4500 (Voodoo 5 is overkill for this build), the best 3dfx option for a SS7 build. 32-bit colour in 3D, texture compression, 32MB memory and support for 2048x2048 textures. NFS Porsche for example looks better with more detailes textures on a 3dfx VSA-100 based card than on the Voodoo3 Avenger, also in Glide Mode, or Quake 3, which supports 512x512 texture resolution. Voodoo 3 supports only max. 256x256 texture resolution, so the 16MB on-Boad (not the Velocity 100 with castrated 8MB) memory is more than enough for this tiny resolution size.

Reply 10 of 12, by douglar

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Minutemanqvs wrote on 2024-04-12, 05:19:

Also talking about 4-in-1, if you ever use Windows 9x on it don't forget to install the vIA 4-in-1 driver as the very first driver you install. These VIA SS7 boards have all sorts of potential and fun issues with AGP support, usually blocking it to AGP 1x in the BIOS (this has multiple names) fixes most of them. With a Voodoo 3 you probably have more luck, they were amongst the most compatible cards.

This was always the catch back in the day. Consider the situation if your system isn't stable and a new 4-1 driver shows up. In my case, I tried upgrading the 4-1 driver, I tried uninstalling all the drivers and reinstalling all the drivers, and then I tried reinstalling the operating system. Turns out the actual answer for my SS7 MVP3 system back in the day was to wait for the 4-1 driver that came out the following year and swap the video card for the Voodoo 3. At least today you don't get stuck in the painful cycle of waiting for a working driver to come out =)

I do remember that switching to a Voodoo 3 card from a TNT2 card made things more stable, probably because of the simpler AGP implementation.

Does anyone have experience trying cards that arrived after 2000 in an MVP3 board? Geforce 2 MX 440 ? Radeon 9000? Radeon 9700 Pro ? Were they better or worse?

Reply 11 of 12, by Minutemanqvs

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douglar wrote on 2024-04-15, 13:21:
This was always the catch back in the day. Consider the situation if your system isn't stable and a new 4-1 driver shows up. […]
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Minutemanqvs wrote on 2024-04-12, 05:19:

Also talking about 4-in-1, if you ever use Windows 9x on it don't forget to install the vIA 4-in-1 driver as the very first driver you install. These VIA SS7 boards have all sorts of potential and fun issues with AGP support, usually blocking it to AGP 1x in the BIOS (this has multiple names) fixes most of them. With a Voodoo 3 you probably have more luck, they were amongst the most compatible cards.

This was always the catch back in the day. Consider the situation if your system isn't stable and a new 4-1 driver shows up. In my case, I tried upgrading the 4-1 driver, I tried uninstalling all the drivers and reinstalling all the drivers, and then I tried reinstalling the operating system. Turns out the actual answer for my SS7 MVP3 system back in the day was to wait for the 4-1 driver that came out the following year and swap the video card for the Voodoo 3. At least today you don't get stuck in the painful cycle of waiting for a working driver to come out =)

I do remember that switching to a Voodoo 3 card from a TNT2 card made things more stable, probably because of the simpler AGP implementation.

Does anyone have experience trying cards that arrived after 2000 in an MVP3 board? Geforce 2 MX 440 ? Radeon 9000? Radeon 9700 Pro ? Were they better or worse?

I was running a Radeon 9250 for a very long time on my Aladdin V system, very stable and no bugs I could find. The only catch is to not go further than the Catalyst 5.5 (or 5.6, don't remember exactly) because then they start to require SSE support and things start to crash randomly. But other than that, a Radeon 9250 is about as feature-rich as you can hope on a SS7 system. I also had luck with GeForce FX 5700LE cards but again lots of trial and error with drivers...in the end the ATI card was way less painful and stable...which is a surprise considering what we lived trough with ATI driver releases back then. But as you just said, we now have/know the luxury to have stable drivers.

It's quite funny to think that low-end cards available for close to nothing from one generation can be a "high-end" card for an older system.

The Voodoo 4-5 are way too expensive, it may be a good technical option but not a practical one. I finally went with a Voodoo 3 2000 I got from a friend and it's "enough" for this machine. If I need more performance, I just start up the Athlon.

Note: I'm on Windows 2000.

Searching a Nexgen Nx586 with FPU, PM me if you have one. I have some Athlon MP systems and cookies.

Reply 12 of 12, by Scythifuge

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I bought a modded K6-2+ CPU which makes into a K6-III+ which can run up to 633MHz (depending on the mobo,) so hopefully it works with this mobo and is stable. I will go with the Voodoo3 option for Windows 3.x driver support via Velocity driver, at least for now. I may just leave Windows 3.11 for the Pentium 166 MMX or rebuild my 486 as I did score a beige mid-tower very reminiscent of the one I had when I built my very first PC. However, I am trying to reduce the number of retro systems currently in use due to space and a lack of a KVM (at the moment.) If I do that, then switching graphics cards won't be as much of an issue since it will be a DOS/Windows 98SE system.

The seller of the CPU sells these all of the time and I believe has 100% feedback rating. He de-lids the CPU and mods the cache and reseals with epoxy and then stress tests each CPU. Being a K6+, I can dynamically slow it down. I should be good to go barring any mobo/CPU stability issues. I should have gotten a public-VOGONS opinion on SS7 chipset, but I didn't want to snooze n' lose on the K6-2 PC since the price was great for a full system including a 32gb CF card, another Creative optical drive, a Vibra16 card (which will be a spare card,) a NIC and the GeForce card. SS7 boards with USB, PS2, AGP, and three ISA slots seem to be uncommon and expensive.

EDIT: Despite being overkill, I could migrate my Voodoo5 from my P3 700 since it is somewhat overkill for that system as well, and try the patched SVGA driver for Windows 3.x, which would get me full screen anti-aliasing, 32-bit color, and all of that. I have just under a week to think about it before everything arrives. I'm not sure how much a performance difference there is between a P3 700 and a K6-III+ at 633 Mhz (if I can get it to run that fast.) When I had my original Gateway P3 450 back in the day, it had a Voodoo3 card in it, and I used it until a retired the system when I built my second PC I ever built.