So, I ended up trying 2 different machines so far.
The first is a Wyse thin client; which does work with XP but it took quite some efforts to get going, and I believe the main issue here is the drivers that are not optimal. This machine has a GX-420CA and a Radeon HD 8400E
The second is a HP office computer, which is also a small size computer, like a NUC/thin client. Same problem as above: works and boot up but when you run accelerated software on it, the drivers end up being the issue. This machine has an A8 Pro with a R7 Radeon as integrated GPU
Their 3dmark score seems pretty close, I ran few and this is what I got:
~12K in 3dMark 2000 for both
~16K for the wyse vs 13K for the HP on 3dMark 2001
~10K for both on 3dMark 03
~6K for the wyse vs ~5K for the HP with 3dMark 05
So strange enough, the Wyse with a weaker GPU for some reasons score better than the HP on a couple of benchmarks. I ran the tests again and the results were in the same ballpark. Not sure if the difference at this point is the drivers; as they all use catalyst I believe, but on different boards, so I suspect that the difference here is not much in the GPU but in how efficient the drivers for the chipset of the motherboard are, in the XP 32 bit OS.
If anyone have insights about cases like this, with these devices, I would like to get better performances if possible. Not asking the moon for 20 bucks I paid for each of these computers 😁 But I would like to run at the top speed I can for these machines, to max out their potential with XP. Hope this helps others that are trying to build a small XP retro pc