Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 53560 of 56025, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie
AlessandroB wrote on 2024-07-10, 14:26:

Great SBC for my Amiga 2000, with Pentium MMX 233, S3 Virge and (in a separate isa slot) an SB16 is the all around 1981-1997 Pc game!

This Varta is the killer one? I remember the nicd was the acid flower type…

I'm curious about using an SBC in an Amiga 2000. Does it just boot as a seperate system simultaneously always with the Amiga? Does it use the video board automatically or is there extra software and configs that need to be performed? It would be great to reduce my vintage machine footprints by one if possible. Would I also be able to run a SCSI controller and MPU?

I assume you just use a switch box to change systems?

Reply 53562 of 56025, by BitWrangler

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This is the official way to "downgrade" 😉 an Amiga to DOS capable https://youtu.be/3GiBgtTw6ac

I don't see how that card is gonna fit, there's PCI or something in the way, and it doesn't connect to Zorro bus for graphics and console passthrough.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 53563 of 56025, by AlessandroB

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Rank Oldbie

The Amiga 2000/3000/4000 were equipped with some internal ISA slots. These slots are totally detached from the Amiga logic and are only connected to each other and to the power supply, like any backplain. However, there is one of these ISA slots which is contiguous to the Zorro slot (name given to the Amiga expansion slots) which allows, via a card built by Commodore (in reality there were 4 models, one of which was not Commodore) to act as a bridge and to be able to use Both the productivity software for compatible IBM PCs and some PC cards can be seen by the Amiga system. These cards are very expensive and very slow so I opted to have two separate systems by simply installing an sbc and a sound card. in this way in a single case or more or less the best of the gold era of computers.

Can anyone tell me if that varta battery is the type that releases acid? tnks

Reply 53564 of 56025, by AlessandroB

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Rank Oldbie

on the top 2x8bit isa and 2x16 bit isa. on the bottom 5 slot zorro, two of them alligned


Reply 53566 of 56025, by AlessandroB

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Rank Oldbie
Kahenraz wrote on 2024-07-10, 18:25:

It looks like you'll need to desolder one of the Zorro slots to fit the 16-bit ISA and avoid a collision with the PCI card edge

if I remember correctly my mainboard review has a completely free 16 bit and one 8 bit ISA slot. however the sound blaster 16 works perfectly in the 16 bit slot

Reply 53567 of 56025, by Kahenraz

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If that's the case, then you'll have a fine little system there. You can use a KVM switch to swap between the two, using a single mouse and keyboard, if the Amiga mouse and keyboard is compatible.

Reply 53568 of 56025, by zuldan

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CR-563-B for $13.50 USD

File size
524.7 KiB
File license
Public domain

PAS16 (650-0022-01 - first revision) for $30 USD. Learnt my lesson last time by powering this card on without replacing all the tantalums Smoke coming from PAS16 [FIXED]

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413.5 KiB
File license
Public domain

Reply 53569 of 56025, by Vynix

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Rank Oldbie
AlessandroB wrote on 2024-07-10, 18:05:

Can anyone tell me if that varta battery is the type that releases acid? tnks

No, it's not one of those NiCad barrels of doom, rather, that SBC has a lithium cell in it, might be rechargeable, I can't tell.

Still, any battery this old is a liability at this point, so be sure to keep an eye on it or replace it with an identical type.

Proud owner of a Shuttle HOT-555A 430VX motherboard and two wonderful retro laptops, namely a Compaq Armada 1700 [nonfunctional] and a HP Omnibook XE3-GC [fully working :p]

Reply 53570 of 56025, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
AlessandroB wrote on 2024-07-10, 19:01:
Kahenraz wrote on 2024-07-10, 18:25:

It looks like you'll need to desolder one of the Zorro slots to fit the 16-bit ISA and avoid a collision with the PCI card edge

if I remember correctly my mainboard review has a completely free 16 bit and one 8 bit ISA slot. however the sound blaster 16 works perfectly in the 16 bit slot

I'm pretty sure you will need power going to the PCI part of that SBC and not just ISA. Usually SBCs have external power connectors, either AT or ATX. Does that one happen to have a power connector on the back side or on the side of the heatsink which we can't see?

From the looks of it, almost 100% sure that you will need to power the PCI part of that backplane to get it to work.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 53571 of 56025, by BitWrangler

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Rank l33t++

My "new" preciousssss, slightly out of band, but it's hardware, it's retro enough to be going yellow, and it's a 5170 so that means it's got a 286 in right? 🤣

Yeah it's a Kenwood made in Japan Oscilloscope, a tad battle weary, but good enough for me I think. I've seen it power on, but it's gonna take me one Federation Standard While to figure out, ones in my electronics lab at college only had 3 knobs. Got a decent deal on it, about cheapy AliExpress "toy" oscilloscope pricing.

High points, dual trace, 100Mhz, measuring cursor, good sensitivity, external trigger, and some bells and whistles I haven't wrapped my head around. I regard it as a very nice feature that it is a relatively fast analog scope, for "real" 100Mhz performance in digital where you weren't wondering whether you are measuring rise times of in circuit logic, or rise times of in scope logic and ADC performance, you'd really have to drop north of $500 at least, which I am unlikely to do at present. Think I should be able to see glitches of 1 or 2 nanoseconds but only measure to about 5ns... I can approximate some DSO functions by pointing a webcam at it.

Anyway, new weapon to make me more dangerous 🤣


  • oscope.jpg
    File size
    635.99 KiB
    File comment
    Kenwood CS-5170 Dual Trace 'scope.
    File license
    Public domain

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 53572 of 56025, by AlessandroB

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Rank Oldbie
cyclone3d wrote on 2024-07-11, 01:53:
AlessandroB wrote on 2024-07-10, 19:01:
Kahenraz wrote on 2024-07-10, 18:25:

It looks like you'll need to desolder one of the Zorro slots to fit the 16-bit ISA and avoid a collision with the PCI card edge

if I remember correctly my mainboard review has a completely free 16 bit and one 8 bit ISA slot. however the sound blaster 16 works perfectly in the 16 bit slot

I'm pretty sure you will need power going to the PCI part of that SBC and not just ISA. Usually SBCs have external power connectors, either AT or ATX. Does that one happen to have a power connector on the back side or on the side of the heatsink which we can't see?

From the looks of it, almost 100% sure that you will need to power the PCI part of that backplane to get it to work.

the isa power is more than enough, even for a pentiumIII sbc

Reply 53573 of 56025, by EduBat

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Rank Newbie
BitWrangler wrote on 2024-07-11, 02:12:
My "new" preciousssss, slightly out of band, but it's hardware, it's retro enough to be going yellow, and it's a 5170 so that me […]
Show full quote

My "new" preciousssss, slightly out of band, but it's hardware, it's retro enough to be going yellow, and it's a 5170 so that means it's got a 286 in right? 🤣

Yeah it's a Kenwood made in Japan Oscilloscope, a tad battle weary, but good enough for me I think. I've seen it power on, but it's gonna take me one Federation Standard While to figure out, ones in my electronics lab at college only had 3 knobs. Got a decent deal on it, about cheapy AliExpress "toy" oscilloscope pricing.

High points, dual trace, 100Mhz, measuring cursor, good sensitivity, external trigger, and some bells and whistles I haven't wrapped my head around. I regard it as a very nice feature that it is a relatively fast analog scope, for "real" 100Mhz performance in digital where you weren't wondering whether you are measuring rise times of in circuit logic, or rise times of in scope logic and ADC performance, you'd really have to drop north of $500 at least, which I am unlikely to do at present. Think I should be able to see glitches of 1 or 2 nanoseconds but only measure to about 5ns... I can approximate some DSO functions by pointing a webcam at it.

Anyway, new weapon to make me more dangerous 🤣

Wow!! This looks exactly like what I had at uni about 25 years ago. That picture brought back a lot of memories, thanks for posting.

Reply 53574 of 56025, by Linoleum

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Let the fun begin!!

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888.06 KiB
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Fair use/fair dealing exception

Athlon64 3200+, HD3650, SB Audigy 2ZS
P4 1.8Ghz, V3, SBLive
P3 866Mhz, Riva TNT2, SB Audigy
P2 266Mhz, RageIIc, V2, SBLive
P233 MMX, Mystique 220, SB 32
P100, S3 Virge GX, AWE64, WavetablePi & PicoGus
Prolinea 4/50, ET4000, SB 16, WavetablePi

Reply 53575 of 56025, by mrfusion92

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I have a thing for subnotebooks.

2 x Toshiba Portege 3110ct (one has minor screen issues, the other broken keys)
1 x Toshiba Portege 3020ct (wtf it has a tillamook)

Plus all the accessories for each one (external floppy, cdrom and docks). All for ~100€, perhaps a bit too much but they are getting rare to find.

I will swap the parts between the two 3110ct in order to have a fully functioning one. I don't actually know what I will do with the 3020, it was in the lot with the 3110s.

Reply 53576 of 56025, by giantenemycat

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Rank Newbie

I got this "Spacewalker" Shuttle MV43PN, which is a PCChips clone. I was specifically looking for a quirky 478 board and it fit the bill with its blue PCB, VIA chipset and options for either DDR or SDRAM.

But I think I have to give up on it. With SDRAM installed it will just freeze once it gets to the OS, if not immediately then within minutes. With DDR it doesn't freeze but executables will often halt stating some kind of "corruption", and when doing something moderately intensive it sometimes suddenly hard resets out of the blue. Looks like I got more than I bargained for.


  • eeeeeeeee.jpg
    File size
    1.33 MiB
    File license
    Public domain

Reply 53577 of 56025, by AGP4LIfe?

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Rank Member
giantenemycat wrote on 2024-07-11, 17:54:

I got this "Spacewalker" Shuttle MV43PN, which is a PCChips clone. I was specifically looking for a quirky 478 board and it fit the bill with its blue PCB, VIA chipset and options for either DDR or SDRAM.

But I think I have to give up on it. With SDRAM installed it will just freeze once it gets to the OS, if not immediately then within minutes. With DDR it doesn't freeze but executables will often halt stating some kind of "corruption", and when doing something moderately intensive it sometimes suddenly hard resets out of the blue. Looks like I got more than I bargained for.

What Cpu do you have in it?

Who decides what truth is, and what is their objective? Today’s falseness can reappear as tomorrow’s truth.

Reply 53578 of 56025, by giantenemycat

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AGP4LIfe? wrote on 2024-07-11, 17:58:
giantenemycat wrote on 2024-07-11, 17:54:

I got this "Spacewalker" Shuttle MV43PN, which is a PCChips clone. I was specifically looking for a quirky 478 board and it fit the bill with its blue PCB, VIA chipset and options for either DDR or SDRAM.

But I think I have to give up on it. With SDRAM installed it will just freeze once it gets to the OS, if not immediately then within minutes. With DDR it doesn't freeze but executables will often halt stating some kind of "corruption", and when doing something moderately intensive it sometimes suddenly hard resets out of the blue. Looks like I got more than I bargained for.

What Cpu do you have in it?

P4 2.6GHz/400MHz SL6PP

The jumpers are already configured for 100MHz FSB.

Reply 53579 of 56025, by Kahenraz

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Rank l33t

I was going to suggest they you had too much memory installed, but I only see one stick. Try loosening the timings or giving it slightly more voltage, is my best best guess.

Maybe there is some other fault in the board. The capacitors look okay from here. I have had instability from memory caused by aging capacitors before. If you downclock the memory significantly and the problem goes away, this might be another indicator.

Repair shops hate me. I fixed defective memory on my video card with this one neat trick.