First post, by PlaneVuki
Two mobos:
1) Gigabyte GA-BX2000 with intel 440BX chipset (slot1 + slotket) not using any chipset driver
2) Matsonic MS7127C with VIA VT82C694X (Apollo Pro 133A) chipset (socket370) using 4in1 4.43v chipset driver (without chipset driver it was very slow)
Using win98se, agp graphics card: geforce2 mx400 64bit 64mb and benchmarking quake3 at 640x480x16bit, driver 45.23, the result:
via + mendocino 458 = 50 fps
via + pentium3 600 = 77 fps
(mendocino runs at bus 83.33mhz*5.5=458mhz)
bx + mendocino 458 = 65 fps (30% faster than via)
bx + pentium3 600 = 100 fps (30% faster than via)
So it is true that VIA chipset is slow?
Or is it possible to make via mobo faster by using better chipset driver or some other trick?
Is there something I am missing here?
Is there a possible speed up in what AlphaWing explains here:
Socket 370 - VIA Apollo Pro 133 vs Intel 440BX
"Main downside is AGP issues for that chipset.
Usually can get around them with the last 4in1's like 4.49 (before they turn into Hyperions) and installing the AGP driver manually.
Then disabling fastwrites\sideband addressing and setting it to 2x\1x."
I don't understand what they try to explain here, can someone explain me this please?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: for both mobos the gpu is running at agp 2x.