I have been poking at a build from your latest trunk, and cannot see how to pass what the boot and or, storage devices are to the emulator.
I have it trying to boot, and giving a ? disk icon, indicating that the G3 rom is successfully being executed, but that it cannot find the boot device.
Does this thing accept .HFV files, .ISO files, or does it need raw block devices passed? If so, how?
I dug inside the actual main .cpp file, and kinda-sorta understand how to pass info.
First, you must specify the machine ID for the ROM you are using, then pass the appropriate value to the emulator afterward with double-dashes.
Valid inputs for, eg, the G3 Beige, are:
--rambank1_size=<somesize in mbyte>
--rambank2_size=<somesize in mbyte>
--rambank3_size=<somesize in mbyte>
--rambank4_size=<somesize in mbyte>
--gfxmem_size=<somesize in mbyte>
So, a G3 beige using a real CDROM drive, and a real disk device under linux, with 1gb of RAM (as 4 256mb sticks), 4mb ATI video, and a USB serial cable as the serial device, would look like this:
dingusppc -m pmg3dt --fdd_img=./fdd.hfv --cdr_img=/dev/sr0 --hdd_img=/dev/sdb --rambank1_size=256 --rambank2_size=256 --rambank3_size=256 --rambank4_size=256 --gfxmem_size=4 --serial_backend=/dev/USBTTY0
(assuming you have set up appropriate permissions to talk to real block devices first! 😜)