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Reply 21 of 21, by ux-3

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I have moved on to the Amiga and made a surprising discovery (for me). The Amiga Software entered the market later. It really started, when PC also started to gain momentum. So some Amiga releases of the late 80s are preferable to PC versions, due to CGA/EGA vs Amiga.

But aside from the big blockbusters, some of my favorite Atari ST games were not even released on the Amiga. Despite having much in common with the Atari ST, the Amiga seemed to cater to a different audience.

It will be interesting to compare some 1989-1991 releases on PC and Amiga. Perhaps with some, the Amiga will still win out.

I can kind of see what happened (to me) back then. My Atari ST had reached the end of it's color palette use in 1990. Also games would usually be released for PC or Amiga, as both platforms had better color render options. PC quickly outran the A500 and became the better alternative.

Retro PC warning: The things you own end up owning you.