First post, by renejr902

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I have several sound blaster with opl3. But im not very familiar with mide wavetable synth.

I have a sblive that i use with soundbank with a sc-55 file to get great general midi in kinq quest 6 in windows 98 dos. and awe64 value that i use general midi in dos, i played doom and some others midi dos games

But i want another pure dos midi wavetable synth sound card or daughterboard or roland mt32 or sc55.

How this Ensoniq Soundscape a.k.a. S-2000 midi wavetable synth music quality compare vs other midi card like Roland MT-32, SC-55, awe 64 value, sblive with sc-55 soundbank file and others midi cards.

Thanks for answer.

You can recommend me other midi card not too expensive too. Thanks

Reply 2 of 12, by kaebeez

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Well, there are basically two routes to approaching MIDI synths for games: One is "This is what the games were composed for," and then the other tier of "Everything else."

The Soundscape falls into that second category, so it may not sound perfectly correct in all instances.

But if you're just looking for a high quality, general-purpose MIDI card, it's hard to go wrong with the Soundscape. Especially if it has the "2M" ROM set (printed on the long chip at the back-rear of the card).

Reply 3 of 12, by bertrammatrix

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It sounds like a fairly well regarded wavetable, depending somewhat on which ROM it came with (some were 1mb, some 2...).

Whether it is "good" is mostly subjective though, as any card with a wavetable- does it work with everything you want it to? Do you like the way it sounds? Sometimes the second question isn't easy to answer, I've often liked a wavetable....until I got my hands on the next one that I thought sounded better 😀

Reply 5 of 12, by renejr902

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kaebeez wrote on 2024-09-29, 17:40:

Well, there are basically two routes to approaching MIDI synths for games: One is "This is what the games were composed for," and then the other tier of "Everything else."

The Soundscape falls into that second category, so it may not sound perfectly correct in all instances.

But if you're just looking for a high quality, general-purpose MIDI card, it's hard to go wrong with the Soundscape. Especially if it has the "2M" ROM set (printed on the long chip at the back-rear of the card).

bertrammatrix wrote on 2024-09-29, 19:19:

It sounds like a fairly well regarded wavetable, depending somewhat on which ROM it came with (some were 1mb, some 2...).

Whether it is "good" is mostly subjective though, as any card with a wavetable- does it work with everything you want it to? Do you like the way it sounds? Sometimes the second question isn't easy to answer, I've often liked a wavetable....until I got my hands on the next one that I thought sounded better 😀

gerwin wrote on 2024-09-29, 19:23:

Soundscape S-2000 Midi rendering recordings can be found here:
My Wavetable Sample Thread
As supplied by Boxpressed

Thanks for answer and link guys. I think its the 1mb.
I could have to a MT-32 external connected to gameport but its more expensive, is it much better ? Thanks

Reply 6 of 12, by Pickle

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Mt32 mostly only makes sense if you have a game that directly supports it.
I think most prefer the sc-55 as it was the musician was using and it covers many games using general midi.
If you’re not opposed to new solutions take a look into the mt32-pi/fluildsynth.
Serdashop also many options for general midi at decent prices
Are there certain games your focused on?

Reply 7 of 12, by renejr902

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Pickle wrote on 2024-09-30, 17:55:
Mt32 mostly only makes sense if you have a game that directly supports it. I think most prefer the sc-55 as it was the musician […]
Show full quote

Mt32 mostly only makes sense if you have a game that directly supports it.
I think most prefer the sc-55 as it was the musician was using and it covers many games using general midi.
If you’re not opposed to new solutions take a look into the mt32-pi/fluildsynth.
Serdashop also many options for general midi at decent prices
Are there certain games your focused on?

King Quest VI, Doom, duke nukem 3d, monkey island and a lot more , i saw a lot of games with general midi choice. I tried with my sblive the big sc55 file soundfont in windows and it sounds a lot better than awe64 value. The ensoniq has only 1mb rom its not a lot, do the quality similar to awe64 value ? if yes, i will not buy the ensoniq but maybe mt-32. But if mt-32 is not compatible with general midi it will be a problem for me. i dont know how much games support mt-32. i dont have any deal for a sc-55 and i know its expensive. and i want a vintage hardware not a new one made for vintage pc.

i just looked at ebay, the sc-55 doesnt seem to much expensive. is this one ok ?
https://www.ebay.ca/itm/285484610412?_skw=rol … ABk9SR-Sp2MPIZA)

is this one better ?:

https://www.ebay.ca/itm/285291283821?_skw=rol … ABk9SR-ap2MPIZA


Reply 9 of 12, by renejr902

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I have to go in 1h to buy cards from someone at good price. But i verified its really the 1mb ensoniq (1m2) soundscape. i heard some sample and it sound similar in quality to awe64, im not sure i will buy it. I heard on vogons forum some sample from ensoniq 2mb and it sound much better than 1mb card. maybe i will wait for sc-55

Reply 10 of 12, by Shponglefan

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renejr902 wrote on 2024-09-30, 18:34:

But if mt-32 is not compatible with general midi it will be a problem for me. i dont know how much games support mt-32.

The MT-32 is not compatible with General MIDI. The MT-32 was originally released in 1987, whereas the General MIDI standard didn't get published until 1991.

If you look at Mobygames, you can see a list of all games that support the MT-32: https://www.mobygames.com/attributes/attribute/35/

The MT-32 was primarily used in games from 1987 to about 1994/1995. Whereas General MIDI supported games ranged from 1992 to about 1997/1998.

If you want to have the best quality midi music with DOS games from those eras, then both a Roland MT-32 and Roland SC-55 would be good to have.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 11 of 12, by swaaye

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The 2MB cards definitely sound better.

I have a lot of sound card recordings from many years ago. Some provided by other members here. The thread is probably still in the forum.
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/uc37ntgrkgxh … Card_Recordings

Having real MT-32 hardware would be excellent for old games. I don't think any cards emulate it well.