First post, by Kvopper256

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So I have an Asus CUSL2-C board and a 1133 Mhz Tualatin-S Pentium 3. Is it possible to make it work in this board? How do I need to modify it? The board can output voltages as low as 1,5V (I tested it with a 566 Mhz Celeron).

Reply 2 of 8, by dionb

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Your board has an FC-PGA pinout, the Tualatin uses FC-PGA2. You can either mod the CPU pins, mod the board or use an interposer.

Here's a guide for the CUBX (exactly same socket as CUSL2-C): http://www.geocities.ws/tuacubx/reads/MSMG.htm

Reply 4 of 8, by Kvopper256

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Intel486dx33 wrote on 2024-10-15, 12:21:

I have this motherboard working with a 1.4ghz Tualatin-S Pentium 3

Re: Posts your Halloween/Octoberfest Build

Did you need to use a modified BIOS? What pin modding did you do? Is running my 1,13 Ghz 1,45V Tualatin at 1,5V not going to harm it? Will my cooler be sufficient?

Reply 6 of 8, by Intel486dx33

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PARKE wrote on 2024-10-15, 15:07:

He is pulling your leg - the board in that photo is a DFI CA64-TC which supports Tualatin cpu's out of the box.

Yeah, but I later purchased another Asus CUS2-C motherboard and it working again.
I can confirm because the Asus CUS2-C is listed in bootup screen with Tualatin 1.4ghz CPU.
I am using 256mb SDRAM PC-1333
Sometimes is clocks down to 933mhz.
Not sure why, I think the battery is low.
But I use the bios soft cpu menu and I also set the jumpers for 1.4ghz.

Post link:
Re: Posts your Halloween/Octoberfest Build

Reply 7 of 8, by Kvopper256

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Rank Newbie
Intel486dx33 wrote on 2024-10-15, 16:43:
Yeah, but I later purchased another Asus CUS2-C motherboard and it working again. […]
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PARKE wrote on 2024-10-15, 15:07:

He is pulling your leg - the board in that photo is a DFI CA64-TC which supports Tualatin cpu's out of the box.

Yeah, but I later purchased another Asus CUS2-C motherboard and it working again.

Post link:
Re: Posts your Halloween/Octoberfest Build

What cooler are you using? How much +5V from the PSU? Did you need to modify the BIOS or flash the TUSL2-C BIOS?

By the way, it's "CUSL2" and not "CUS2".

Reply 8 of 8, by Intel486dx33

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Yes, I think I updated the bios to newest version.
I am using a CPU cooler called tornado or something like that and I am using a fan speed controller
And I have the fan speed set to about medium.
I am using the Bios Soft CPU menu default settings.

CPU settings = 133 x 10.5 = 1.4ghz

Originally, I put this computer together back in 2018
It been thru a few upgrades and I exactly remember what I did.
But it is working today with the Asus CUSL2 motherboard.

I will post photos of bios setup later


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