Smartdrive is natively supported by MS-DOS 6.2x. It supports undocumented DOS APIs etc.
If Smartdrive is being loaded, it will perform duties of BUFFERS and FILES in config.sys file.
It will also speed up things like DIR command, I think. Similar to how FASTOPEN does.
Due to it's caching nature, I assume it will make DOS process certain things in "one row" rather than proccessing it one by one.
Opening/closing files via DOS API might be more instant if Smartdrive is loaded.
There's no need to find the file first each time, because Smartdrive remembers it.
FASTOPEN might have a similar effect, maybe.
It keeps a copy of filenames in memory, a bit akin to hold a FAT copy in memory.
Running SHARE is also useful in general, by the way, I think.
It's useful if networking is used and if multiple applications might open same file.
"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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