These IDE SDDs are very similar to the ones dosdude1 was making, and the SM2236 chip they use doesn't support DRAM cache which is why the write speed is so slow. The readspeed is also slower than a SATA>IDE adapter using the marvell controller, under ATA-100 for example, those would get around 92-93MB/s in ATTO, but this IDE SSD gets only around 85MB/s. So for this particular SSD 116MB/s seems about right. Also this is a "desktop laptop" which despite having an ICH5 and SATA options in the bios (albeit hidden), there's only an IDE connector on the motherboard. I still suspect there is an additional SATA converter chip on the board somewhere, which would explain the initial problem with SATA>IDE adapters reverting to UDMA2, the Thinkpad T43 has this exact issue.
An IDE to mSATA enclosure has its own SATA to IDE bridge chip. Having two such chips in between the southbridge and the drive causes a number of problems, like detection and timeout issues, getting stuck in UDMA33 mode, etc. … omment/ggp12s3/
I can't confirm if this is the problem though, I have inspected the board thoroughly and haven't found any such chip but it might be there somewhere. It might be possible to SATA mod it which would be the best thing to do but I don't have the skill to do that.
see what number HD Tach 3.x gives
this suggests IAA should support 848P, but it'd be surprising if that would unlock ATA-133, because they'd be contradicting their own spec sheet. there doesn't seem to be much info out there if intel not bothering to support ATA-133 on any chipset was simply to push everyone towards SATA or there were other reasons for it as well.
hmm yeah it does say its compatible, weirdly it refuses to install either 2.2.2 or 2.2.3:
The 848P has more in common with the 865 series than the 845 series I think, if that helps. There's also a RAID version which doesn't say its compatible but I could try that too if I can find it. Doesn't work as expected, only for ICH5R and above.
I decided to try the initial release of XP without any Service Packs, with that it is configured to ATA-100 / UDMA5.
I found these modified intel files on MSFN, I think they're just to make later chipsets work though: … et-inf-drivers/
There's two folders in the zip labelled ICH23456 and ICH789A, both contains MACHINE.INF, MACHINE2.INF and MSHDC.INF, I installed 98SE using both but neither bought the SSD up to the ATA-133 spec.
Checking the contents of the SP3 disc there is a MACHINE.INF and MSHDC.INF that were last modified sometime in 2003, no MACHINE2.INF though. I tried with these 2 files anyway but the 98SE installer fails, it probably does need MACHINE2.INF as well. Will keep experimenting.