Reply 2020 of 2094, by Monotremata
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- Newbie
wolf wrote on 2024-09-05, 17:09:There a tutorial anywhere to upgrade to this version without losing all my work (Profiles, Templates, Mappers, etc.)
The instructions are right on the DBGL homepage.
wolf wrote on 2024-09-05, 17:09:There a tutorial anywhere to upgrade to this version without losing all my work (Profiles, Templates, Mappers, etc.)
The instructions are right on the DBGL homepage.
Hi all,
I've just uploaded alpha8, adding support for DOSBox Staging 0.82.0(-RC).
A long-standing issue has been fixed where, when editing a profile and changing the associated DOSBox Version, the association would stick after cancelling (in memory, not on disk) .
Also fixed is a crash-bug triggered when performing multi-editing without having selected a 'default' DOSBox Version (André). Moreover, multi-editing will now use the most used DOSBox version in the selected profiles, instead of the version 'closest' to the 'default', which I think will work better in most cases.
Finally, most libs were updated.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues. I believe we're getting closer to a release.
I'll check it out.
I have a small request I wanted to mention, though. Yesterday I was fiddling with DOSBox-X 3Dfx options, trying to get the DOS port of "Hexen II" to use this mode, when I noticed something in their dosbox-x.conf.
I was a bit confused by the "glide" option, which shows verbatim in DBGL. Turns out it is for using an external Glide wrapper such as nGlide or DgVoodoo. So, I suggest renaming the option in DBGL to "Glide wrapper", "External Glide wrapper" or similar.
The same should apply to DOSBox-ECE.
Said DOS port of "Hexen II" is terrific, BTW, and it works great under DOSBox. It even supports the official expansion.
rcblanke wrote on 2024-09-28, 13:19:Hi all,
I've just uploaded alpha8, adding support for DOSBox Staging 0.82.0(-RC).
So far so good (M2 Pro Mac mini here), but only fired up my Ultima VI so far (using Staging 81.2)! I was about to post I couldn't get it to launch and I completely forgot there were Mac builds there. I've been grabbing the Windows zip and just replacing the jar. I noticed the lib files got updated and when I went to swap them, also noticed there was no swtmac64.jar and then went DURRRR and saw the DMG on the site haha.
Neville wrote on 2024-09-28, 13:31:Said DOS port of "Hexen" is terrific, BTW,
To be clear this is Hexen II: Portals of Praevus (the official expansion for Hexen II) under the Hammer of Thyrion port, which had some DJGPP-based DOS backporting (partially cribbed from Quake sources, as Hexen2 only built for Win32 originally).
Hexen on the other hand, shipped for DOS
D'oh! You're right, I just corrected the info. Thanks.
DOSBox-X v2024.10.01 is out. Changes can be consulted here, hopefully there will be nothing that requires more changes to DBGL.
Great, thank you.
Using the stable (v0.98) release here:
Is it already known that the DBConfWS database is down? Attempting to share a config to it at the time returns an HTTP 500 error, at least.
Fatal error
There was a problem submitting your configuration settings to the on-line database!
Technical information:
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
That aside, is there any way to control or reset the (Entity) ID of the entries in DBGL for those of us who have deleted profiles and the like and unfortunately can't stand the gap(s) of missing ID numbers? I've no clue where to begin to look for the HSQL database DBGL's using to store the information, and cleaning the database does not mean it'll reassign or sort the IDs in question.
ElTipejoLoco, I think the DBConfWS server is working fine. You may have the old server url configured in settings.conf. Please check that you have configured:
Your question about re-numbering the profile IDs keeps coming up every once in a while. Unfortunately, there is no trivial solution, but I'll give it another shot.
rcblanke wrote on 2024-10-16, 17:40:ElTipejoLoco, I think the DBConfWS server is working fine. You may have the old server url configured in settings.conf. Please c […]
ElTipejoLoco, I think the DBConfWS server is working fine. You may have the old server url configured in settings.conf. Please check that you have configured:
Still getting the error, settings.conf contains correct endpoint URL (I downloaded DBGL for the first time too recently for its settings to be outdated, anyway). Something else is triggering the HTTP 500 error.
I apologize if this is the incorrect place to post this, I tried scanning over the history of this thread and didn't seem to find it anywhere.
I notice that every time I edit a CONF file using the UI of DBGL, it seems to add the following lines:
Even when I don't change these options. Is this expected behavior? Is there a way to change it if it isn't? I have a suspicion it's also adding the render/aspect value, but I haven't tested to make sure.
I'm running the latest DBGL version on Windows 11, and I changed my default DOSBOX installation to the latest Dosbox Staging, which I added as a secondary version within the program.
Any ideas if it's something I'm doing wrong? I made the test several times and it seems to do it every time I change any unrelated setting on a CONF file by using the EDIT PROFILE command in DBGL.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
ElTipejoLoco wrote on 2024-10-16, 21:25:Still getting the error, settings.conf contains correct endpoint URL (I downloaded DBGL for the first time too recently for its settings to be outdated, anyway). Something else is triggering the HTTP 500 error.
Indeed, very strange, I do see the error messages in the server log (some error regarding parsing the HTTP request header), but I am unable to reproduce the problem myself. When I have an update on this matter I'll let you know. Thanks for mentioning this issue, ElTipejoLoco .
Your request about re-numbering the profile IDs is making progress, seems doable.
GabeCube wrote on 2024-10-19, 22:27:I notice that every time I edit a CONF file using the UI of DBGL, it seems to add the following lines: [speaker] pcspeaker=false […]
I notice that every time I edit a CONF file using the UI of DBGL, it seems to add the following lines:
Hi GabeCube! You're not doing anything wrong, this is the behavior of DBGL 0.98 - as it does not fully support DOSBox-Staging. Over time, DOSBox-Staging has made all kinds of changes to DOSBox's defaults, which DBGL does not know about. For example, ps1audio was changed from 'off' to 'false', which confuses DBGL, leading to that entry in your conf file.
However, that should be resolved in the latest DBGL test build (alpha 9), which should (almost) fully support DOSBox SVN, DOSBox Staging, DOSBox ECE and DOSBox-X. You can try it out if you want, but please do make a backup of your current DBGL files, as it may still have issues. Upgrade instructions are on the website, and please note that you'll have to update your DOSBox Version settings in DBGL manually (that is, specify the correct DOSBox family and exact version).
rcblanke wrote on 2024-10-22, 21:35:However, that should be resolved in the latest DBGL test build (alpha 9), which should (almost) fully support DOSBox SVN, DOSBox Staging, DOSBox ECE and DOSBox-X. You can try it out if you want, but please do make a backup of your current DBGL files, as it may still have issues. Upgrade instructions are on the website, and please note that you'll have to update your DOSBox Version settings in DBGL manually (that is, specify the correct DOSBox family and exact version).
Thanks for the prompt reply. I actually went and manually edited all 400 profiles in the meantime, but I will be downloading that alpha soon and try to test it out as soon as I get a chance.
Is there a easy way to keep track (as in, a direct URL) where I can see where the latest test builds are?
Edit: I saw the link you posted, but I am not sure about where the said instructions on how to manually update the DOSBox version - I already had it as a secondary version on DBGL using the internal settings, but the version is still limited to vanilla versions, so I assume you mean editing config files manually outside of the program, even on the beta?
Edit 2: DERP! Ignore the above question, I accidentally downloaded Beta 4 instead of Alpha 9. The issue is now indeed corrected, and the option to pick DOSBox version is figured out. Sorry about the mixup.
Not sure if this effected everyone or if its random or just affected me.
Launching games in fullscreen through the shortcuts was working perfectly, but when Windows 11 updated to 24h2, all my shortcuts launched the game in a tiny window in the center of the screen.
I had to recreate and replace all the shortcuts and all worked perfectly again.
Thought I would blast that incase anyone runs into this issue.
Selecting all the games then right click and create shortcut was easy and fast for replacing.
DOSBox-Staging v0.82 is just out, and of course they had to fiddle wth some of DOSBox options. Here are the changes:
- The openglnb output mode for OpenGL with nearest-neighbour interpolation has been removed
- The voodoo_multithreading confing setting (which previously toggled three extra worker threads) has been replaced with voodoo_threads
- We’ve added support for emulating ESS Enhanced FM Audio, or ESFM, the OPL3-compatible FM synth found on later ESS AudioDrive cards. To run ESFM in “legacy mode”, use oplmode = esfm with any Sound Blaster model and configure the game for Sound Blaster and AdLib/OPL as usual.
To use “native mode”, set sbtype = ess and configure the ESS Technology ES1688, ES1788, ES1888 Enhanced FM Audio MIDI music driver in the game’s setup utility.
- We’ve introduced a new opl_remove_dc_bias config setting to the [sblaster] section, eliminating annoying pops in affected games.
- The CMS (Creative Sound System or Game Blaster) and OPL (AdLib) emulations have finally been decoupled. This resulted in various complications, such as oplmode = opl2 always enabling CMS emulation as well (probably to allow emulating early Sound Blaster cards that featured both the OPL2 and CMS chips).
The new model allows the user to control the OPL and CMS emulations separately:
oplmode only determines the type of OPL chip(s) to emulate. Valid values are none, opl2, dualopl2, opl3, and opl3gold. The new cms config setting in the [sblaster] section controls whether to emulate the CMS. Valid values are on and off.
- The Gravis Ultrasound’s configuration options have been revised to reflect the actual options available on real hardware:
gusbase — Base addresses now range from 210 through 260
gusirq — IRQs 2 and 15 have been added
gusdma — DMA 0 has been dropped (this setting is only useful on real hardware to park/disable the GUS)
- Host sample rates can now be set continuously from 8000 Hz to 96 kHz.
I think those are all the elevant changes. You can check the full changelog here.
Thanks for the feedback people! I've uploaded a first release candidate with the changes required for DOSBox Staging 0.82.0 in.
Also included is a small tool to renumber all database object IDs. Start by backing up your DBGL data, and then open a terminal window in the DBGL folder and run
java -cp dbgl.jar org.dbgl.tool.RenumberDatabase
Please keep in mind that any filter-tabs using database object IDs (such as game/profile IDs) will likely have to be re-created as these are not updated by the tool!
That's wonderful! And much, much faster than I expected. Are there any new strings that require translation? If it is so, I'll try to do them before you post the final version.