First post, by Ramenman

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Rank Newbie

Hello friends of the old PC!

I recently became interested in this horrible beat'em up and its historical interest related to the Tiertex company.
The versions that circulate on the internet have the EGA files but also the CGA. That is, it is not like the case of other preservations where only the EGA files were extracted.

In this case, when loading CGA, the game only plays the music through the beeper. However, in EGA it works perfectly. If I choose CGA mode with the emulator in EGA mode, EGA comes out.
The executable file is a .COM, does anyone know if there is a command to activate those CGA files that are there? If you do a "DIR" you will see that each enemy has a file with its corresponding version in CGA.
This game deserves to be played from its worst version 😀


Reply 1 of 2, by Qbix

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There is a routine, that sets the video back to ega, regardless of what you pick.
Removing that routine does seem to make cga like graphics appear. The routine might be the effect of some tinkering, as the code behind that routine deals with reading the floppy disk.. (and is not used.. so maybe an effect of a harddrive conversion or something like that).


  • hkm_002.png
    File size
    7.88 KiB
    File license
    Public domain

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Reply 2 of 2, by Ramenman

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Rank Newbie
Qbix wrote on 2024-10-29, 11:04:

There is a routine, that sets the video back to ega, regardless of what you pick.
Removing that routine does seem to make cga like graphics appear. The routine might be the effect of some tinkering, as the code behind that routine deals with reading the floppy disk.. (and is not used.. so maybe an effect of a harddrive conversion or something like that).

Very interesting! Do we know anyone who has been able to eliminate this routine? thanks for the info!