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Reply 20 of 22, by Peter Swinkels

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Rank Oldbie

Attached to this post is the complete SAGA Image Resource Converter which works fairly well thanks to the help of everyone in this thread, especially kmeaw and Plasma over at phatcode.net! 😀

I think the program is almost ready to be published on GitHub for any who want to investigate games such as Inherit the Earth and I Have No Mouth But Must Scream.

Any suggestions to finalize the program are welcome, however I personally don't feel like creating a fancy interface or adding to many bells and whistles.

Also, I consider this program to be 100% public domain, so have fun with it and spread it if you feel it might be useful to others! 😀


My GitHub:

Reply 21 of 22, by Peter Swinkels

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Rank Oldbie

There is one final issue I noticed that might need to be investigated before this project is really done. The program successfully extracted dozens of images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14kX08 … ?usp=drive_link - However there are some scrambled images. Most of which are likely resources that got misinterpreted as images but aren't. Some however might be sprites. I have no idea what to make of it atm.

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Reply 22 of 22, by Peter Swinkels

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Rank Oldbie

I have uploaded to GitHub and consider it to be done for now:

https://github.com/PeterSwinkels/Saga-Image-R … ource-Extractor

Any comments, suggestion or feedback are still welcome, and a huge thank you to everyone who replied here! 😀

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