First post, by AgustinCordes

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Rank Newbie

Greetings. There are ancient threads about this topic, way to extreme for necroposting, so let's start anew: in a nutshell, what's the best approach today to hook up synth modules to DOSBox?

I'm having weird issues with one of the USB->MIDI cables previously reported as working (here: Midi to USB Adapters and in this DOS Days tutorial here: https://www.dosdays.co.uk/topics/midi_with_dosbox.php). Both an MT-32 and SC-55 exhibit the same problems. For the record, I'm using the latest version of DOSBox Staging.

The modules receive MIDI notes, but:

- Space Quest III does not show the "Insert buckazoids" message on the display, leading me to believe that something's wrong from the go.
- SQ3 also skips notes like crazy. It's like the tunes accelerate randomly. Attaching a recording as an example.
- Gateway also skips notes on the MT-32, but some tunes fare better than other.
- Death Gate on the SC-55 is a complete mess. Tunes seem to have incorrect notes, which also hang. A lot.

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1.29 MiB
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Should I buy a better Roland cable? They're expensive, so I'd like to make sure that will do the trick. OR am I better off with a USB -> Game port adapter and sticking to a tried and true old MIDI cable? OR OR (I don't know if this even exists) buy an internal card with a Game Port?

Many thanks all for the input!

Reply 3 of 11, by AgustinCordes

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Rank Newbie

Tried with DOSBox-X, and same problem BUT the notes are different in SQ3. That's throwing me off.

Looking for a more vanilla SVN build but I'm bumping into suspicious files everywhere 🫠

I'll try with a MIDI player too, good call.

Reply 5 of 11, by AgustinCordes

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Rank Newbie

Nailed it down to two options:

- A more expensive Roland cable, although there's no guarantee it will be reliable.
- Pay twice as much as the Roland cable, but get a proper Behringer external audio interface with MIDI output. That's the cheapest option in that range. Focusrites are great, but the entry level for MIDI is too much.

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70.8 KiB
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File size
59.13 KiB
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Public domain

Hopefully someone will advise. Thought this would be much simpler, but yeah, given the status of MT-32/Fluidsynth emulation these days, there may be no point in using real hardware anymore...

Reply 6 of 11, by Qbix

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I used such a cable (UM ONE) with good results, but didn't play any of those games with my MT-32, so I guess it doesn't say that much.
You could try the delaysysex option in a SVN build.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 8 of 11, by Shponglefan

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Rank l33t

I've used an M-Audio Midisport Uno as a MIDI interface for my main gaming PC running Windows 10 with DOSBox. I use CoolSoft MIDIMapper to map to the device.

Never had any issues with any sound modules (including MT-32) or games.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 9 of 11, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie

ive used roland um one from dosbox into my mt32 and other GM devices without issues (using dosbox-x).

gateway is legends usualy midi pap, their midi drivers are garbage and cpu speed dependant. I'm guessing death gate is similar since its also a legend title but have never played it.

i didnt have an issue with sq3 and my dosbox-x -> mt32 with um-one cable.

(i'm also on linux)

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 10 of 11, by AgustinCordes

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Rank Newbie

I pulled the plug after reading another post here (Options to connect a Roland MT-32 to a modern PC) and purchased the UM-ONE. External cards are more expensive here, keeping my fingers crossed that the new cable will do the trick.

It makes sense that the generic cable isn't sending sysex messages -- it would explain why the "Insert buckazoids" gag won't pop up.

What frustrates is that I had this same MT-32 working flawlessly on Mac a few years ago. Boxer would even automatically detect that I had a real MT-32 with some dark magic that I never understood. But I can't find the adapter I used back then anywhere 🙁

Reply 11 of 11, by AgustinCordes

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Rank Newbie

Received my UM-ONE. Works flawlessly, night and day difference, INSERT BUCKAZOID is there, no need to delaysysex or anything.

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1.2 MiB
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Public domain

Whoever comes by this post in the far future: stay away from those generic cables. They're evil.