First post, by ppepealdoropo

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Hello first of all, good day to everyone. I am a lover of old school hardware and I am passionate about each piece like you. But I have a problem: I have a motherboard model: Soyo 7vca-e from the year 2000
Situation: I remember that this motherboard worked normally until one damn day, ignoring that a power supply was defective (I burned a hard drive, and then a motherboard left it defective) the soyo stopped starting normally. The defective behavior is the following, I will describe it as best as possible.
When starting it, it turns on well until the award phoenix bios loading screen in which it shows how each hardware is recognized, first: the processor, then the ram memory, then a hard disk check, and then an anti-virus scan.

(subo imagen ilustrativa)

The problem is that in this process the motherboard stops as if the image froze. The keyboard does not respond and everything stops loading. Sometimes the process in which it stops varies, for example it stops when it recognizes the memory, or it stops when it recognizes the disks, or it stops after the final check (only once it was able to complete the complete recognition) and it froze again.
Well people, that is my problem and I hope that someone who knows more than me about the subject can help me. Any comment will be very appreciated by me since this problem is driving me crazy... Thank you very much in advance.


  • biosphoenix.jpg
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  • biosphoenix.jpg
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    48.13 KiB
    File license
    Public domain

Reply 1 of 7, by Repo Man11

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Rank l33t

This motherboard is from a time and a manufacturer where substandard capacitors were the norm; have you checked it for bulging capacitors? I have a Soyo 7VMA-B and it was riddled was visibly bad capacitors. Photos of your motherboard could be helpful.

"We do these things not because they are easy, but because we thought they would be easy."

Reply 2 of 7, by ppepealdoropo

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Rank Newbie
Repo Man11 wrote on 2024-12-13, 19:11:

This motherboard is from a time and a manufacturer where substandard capacitors were the norm; have you checked it for bulging capacitors? I have a Soyo 7VMA-B and it was riddled was visibly bad capacitors. Photos of your motherboard could be helpful.

Hi Repo, thanks for your reply... It is currently impossible for me to send a photo, but I can assure you that I checked each capacitor visually and there really is none to suspect... they are all healthy, with no leakage or swelling.

Reply 3 of 7, by konc

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Rank l33t

Unplug everything from the motherboard, every IDE and floppy cable, remove all cards but the vga, remove all RAM but 1 module. Clear the BIOS, try a different PSU. You cannot troubleshoot with 4 HDDs, go simple.

Reply 4 of 7, by Repo Man11

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Rank l33t

If you haven't already, I would advise you to remove the motherboard from the case and set it up with just the bare minimum of components (one stick of RAM, PCI video card, keyboard). If it completes the POST that way I would then add a floppy drive and run Memtest86.

"We do these things not because they are easy, but because we thought they would be easy."

Reply 6 of 7, by megatron-uk

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Rank Oldbie

I'd echo all of the previous advice: pare the system down to the bare minimum - no drives, minimal RAM, video card only. And then retest again. Reset CMOS/BIOS values if you have a jumper on the board to clear it.

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Reply 7 of 7, by kotel

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Maybe this will help (unlikely as people above gave similar advice). I had an ASUS board hang on detecting drives when there was an 40pin IDE cable inside. It would work normally without it.

"All my efforts were in vain...
Let that be my disappointment."