First post, by ppepealdoropo
Hello first of all, good day to everyone. I am a lover of old school hardware and I am passionate about each piece like you. But I have a problem: I have a motherboard model: Soyo 7vca-e from the year 2000
Situation: I remember that this motherboard worked normally until one damn day, ignoring that a power supply was defective (I burned a hard drive, and then a motherboard left it defective) the soyo stopped starting normally. The defective behavior is the following, I will describe it as best as possible.
When starting it, it turns on well until the award phoenix bios loading screen in which it shows how each hardware is recognized, first: the processor, then the ram memory, then a hard disk check, and then an anti-virus scan.
(subo imagen ilustrativa)
The problem is that in this process the motherboard stops as if the image froze. The keyboard does not respond and everything stops loading. Sometimes the process in which it stops varies, for example it stops when it recognizes the memory, or it stops when it recognizes the disks, or it stops after the final check (only once it was able to complete the complete recognition) and it froze again.
Well people, that is my problem and I hope that someone who knows more than me about the subject can help me. Any comment will be very appreciated by me since this problem is driving me crazy... Thank you very much in advance.