I today on my alternative testbench with freesynch monitor and convertors/hdmi switch, run once more 60Hz and 70Hz.. and i saw the difference, which i dont saw on Dell 2007P or in previous tests.
SImply with 60Hz mode, i see moving elements disappear before they reach the end of the display, like in the 4:3 black pillar boxes mode and with 70 Hz they reach edge of the screen.
Isn't that what we where looking for? Second possibility that both test are using different resolution.. I looked into source code, but im not sure 1 test is 320x240, second has slightly different code which i dont fully understand.
https://www.ampronix.com/wide-cx50n?srsltid=A … mebTNI-r3Cxaxcm
Thx this medical professional stuff could save us, even if its 60 Hz only, 2560x2048, means nice 2560x1920 for 4:3, which could beat even 2048x1536 old Dos 21/22 CRTs and there would not beat 2 ugly trinitron lines in middle of the screen.
Its IPS, 21" to.. Its 2x 1280x1024 / 1280x960 as bonus for clear picture.. same with 640x480 and 640x400.
Obvious flaw of this one is no D-SUB VGA, so it needs some box in front anyway.. main problem of these boxes + LCD monitoring is also resolution switching, i dunno if should blame box or monitor probably monitor, but old CRT switched resolutions faster, so have difference resolution for game and menu, videos or even inventory wasnt big problem.
But if we would know name of the panel, there is chance that some company produced it with D-SUB VGA 15 pin too..
Update: Just checked they have to CX30n and Cx20n models - first 2048x1536 and second 1600x1200 all are 21.3.. Im not expert about color bits, but 30 bits, seems enough, its i guess 3x 10 bits and normal monitors are usually 8 bits, if im not wrong.. "30-bits RGB Color signal input support via DisplayPort"
I checked the manual from here - http://www.widecorp.com/?act=shop.goods_view&GS=79&GC=GD0800 , there is not mentioned refresh rate, but there is synch type:
Hsync : 103KHz
Vsynch = 50Hz // Other models have 60Hz
Dot CLK : 296MHz
I dont have PowerStrip in my head or installed to let it calculate refresh rates for these values - which i usually did, i asked ChatGP and it gave me this:
Refresh Rate (Hz)= Hsync (Hz)/ Total Vertical Lines (including blanking)
Refresh Rate (Hz)= 103,00/ 2816 ≈ 36.6Hz, which not nice..
Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.