I may repeat something already said in this thread, so just ignore this post in this case.
You can fit 18 sectors of 512 bytes on a "1.2MB" medium (often, they were labelled 1.6M unformatted), yielding 1.44 at 80 sectors per track. To get to this result, you need to tell the floppy control to use an extremely small gap between the sectors. Remember: There is 20% less "space" on that medium, because it turns at 360rpm instead of 300rpm, but the floppy controller takes the same time for each bit. That's why you can fit 18 sectors easily on a "1.44MB" medium (or "2.0MB unformatted"), but they just fit a 1.2MB medium. Any tool that claims to do 1.44MB on 5.25" HD knows how to format with an extremely small gap. The gap is so small that when reading or writing one sector, the subsequent sector header passes the head before the floppy controller is able to read the sector ID, so after processing one sector, the controller will miss the next sector. If two physically adjacent sectors would need to be read one after the other, it takes a whole revolution of the medium until the second sector is detected by the floppy controller. To combat that effect, 1.44-on-1.2 is formatted using "interleave 2": The first sector on the medium is sector 1, the second one is sector 10, the third one is sector two and so on. This enables the track to be read in two revolutions of the medium.
When using unconventional formats, you may need to fight with two different pieces of software. One of them is DOS. While old versions of DOS may assume a fixed geometry based on the media type byte, all "recent" versions of DOS use the explicit geometry specification in the boot sector, so DOS need not be fought, even for 1.72MB-on-1.44MB. The other piece of software you may need to fight with is the BIOS. This is what FDREAD and VGAREAD (basically the same idea) tackles: The BIOS has a floppy parameter table (which was supposed to be fixed for "the drive type used on this system", introduced with the first revision of the PC BIOS), which specifies the number of sectors per track. This number of sectors per track is sent to the floppy controller on every read and write command. If you let an AT BIOS do its thing, it will automatically install a parameter table that fits the current medium in the current drive. The AT BIOS will peek at the CMOS for that. If you set it to 1.2MB, it can (IIRC will) install a parameter table explicitly stating 15 sectors/track, making 1.44-in-1.2 unreadable. If you lie to the BIOS by setting the drive type to 1.44MB, you should be able to read 1.44-in-1.2 and standard 1.2MB media, but you will lose the ability to read 360KB media.
Furthermore, while DOS (mostly?) does not care about the drive type in the BIOS for regular operation, the DOS format utility does. Setting the drive type to 1.44MB for a 1.2MB drive will make DOS format do entirely wrong things, as it assumes the track is 20% "longer" than it actually is. So while lying in the setup may enable reading and writing 1.44-on-1.2, it makes formatting more difficult.