First post, by mac57mac57
Hi, I purchased a 386DX/33 motherboard from eBay and built out a fully operational bench system on it - "bench system" meaning that I assembled and connected all the parts on a workbench vs. in the case. Now I am ready to move the finished product to the intended case. However, as I reviewed the hookup of the various case lights and switches to the motherboard, I quickly realized two things:
1/ The motherboard document that I have and thought was for this motherboard is in fact not... leaving me guessing at jumpers and such. I have scoured the internet high and low but I have not been able to find any further documentation.
2/ Having visually examined the motherboard exhaustively, I am able to connect everything except one critical thing - the case's front panel power switch! Without that, I am presuming the machine will not turn on. The "bench system" is powered by a free standing power supply with an external on/off switch, hence no issues up to now. So, I find myself with no way to get the machine to power up when I finish building it into the case.
So, no obvious way to signal the application of power and no documentation to help me resolve this. I am turning to the well skilled readers here at Vogons in hope of help.
I have attached a photo of the motherboard. Does anyone recognize it? It is labelled only "A340C-G" - no manufacturer name and no other lettering on the backside of the board. It is a 33 MHz / 40 MHz 386 DX motherboard.
Google searches for "A340C-G" turn up motherboards from two companies, Jetway and J-Bond, but NEITHER has a A340C-G; there is a G01 and a G02, both from J-Bond, but their documented layouts don't match the board I have. There is also one from Jetway, but it too does not match the board I have.
Does anyone recognize this mobo? Can you tell me who the manufacturer is, and even better, provide either a pointer to the documentation or a copy of it?
Am I overthinking this? Did 386-class machines simply power on when the power supply switch was turned on?