First post, by voidstar
I'm using a Creative Labs CT2950 (on chip is CT1749-DAO), 1995 vintage.
It came with a CD-ROM drive and the original Creative 3.5 disks. Using MS-DOS 6.22 and installed Creative's CD-ROM driver (SBCD.SYS under the SB16\DRV folder).
Says version 4.15 and dated 1993 when loading that driver from CONFIG.SYS. And it passes /P:220 (is that supposed to be the port of the SB16? it's A parameter?). This is a PNP juermpless card.
Audio (FX and background) are all working fine on this SB16. Just for the High DMA I used DMA 1 (normal for these systems). In Creative's own DIAGNOSE.EXE both 8-bit and 16-bit digitized audio is working fine, and the FM audio.
This SB16 has a 40-pin header off the end. Since this is the CD-ROM it came with, and that CD-ROM has the Master/Slave/CS jumpers at the back, I'm sure it's regular IDE. But this driver isn't detecting or loading when the CD-ROM is connected to this SB16 through the 40-pin.
I do have a regular IDE controller card, so I tried connecting the 40-pin to that instead - but same result, the CD-ROM isn't detected. I do have an XT-IDE 2GB CF for C: drive, don't think it's causing a conflict. But then it runs in my mind, might I have to configure "drive D" to some kind of IDE type in the BIOS ? Or maybe I need to disable the IDE controller in the controller card, in case it is conflicting with the one on the SB16? (that same card also has serial port, game port, and disk drive connector).
The drive is getting power and I can open the tray door. But no luck getting a MS-DOS driver to detect it. I've tried two different IDE cables, and I did try using the CS (cable select) jumper - but SB16's own manual actually says to ignore that. I tried with the Master jumper set and unset.
Anyone aware of any other drivers to try?
I do have a couple Backpack devices, to enable CD-ROM through the parallel port.