First post, by Pickle

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Ive been banging my head on this one and not sure where im going wrong. Previously the board has run a intel 486sx2 and 486dx2.
Mostly for curiosity I wanted to try a DX4.

Cpu comes in and then i notice the regulator is looser then normal and it pops off. No problem order a similar replacement, came today put it in. Measured the middle pin for the voltage for each jumper setting. Works fine getting 3.3,3.4,4.0 V. Maybe i should measure it off the socket.

Put the chip (this board is jumper hell). Been through configuring it a normal dx4 and an dx4 enhance. Back when the regulator broke I did have another socket 3 to test one. The cpu works there and labels it as an enhanced amd dx4.
I can get this cpu to show any post codes at all. Ive tried lowering the FSB to 25.

if anyone has the time or idea what isnt working i hope you can help me out.

Jumper Info:


Last edited by Pickle on 2023-03-18, 01:33. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 3, by Pickle

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I figured something out: the turbo switch needed to be connected and in the right mode and it now it boots.
Im just wondering now if its running in the slow mode or one of the cache's is off. I quick 3dbench test gives 54-55 fps.

Toggling the turbo switch makes the PC halt, but then toggling it back it runs like normal again.

Reply 2 of 3, by Bzzz

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*hrhr* necro, sorry.
I got the exact same CPU and a MV035, but Rev C. instead, so I cannot just copy your jumper settings 1:1.
While the turbo switch = halt button behaviour is the same, I cannot get it to boot. POSTs fine, memory counting and navigating BIOS is fine. Then the POST summary shows, but it never actually starts booting anything.

Board is known good, as an Intel DX4-100 and a lower spec Cyrix work, but I don't have a second board to test the AMD CPU elsewhere. I'm about to sell the AMD as unknown/defective, even though I'm confident it's generally working (about to get rid of the board and all known-good cards and memory as well).

Reply 3 of 3, by Pickle

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yeah i gave up on the turbo button and accepted it just halts amd chips. I did switch the same mb (it was cheap) and i have 1 mb of cache running. Probably pointless with only 32 mb of ram.
is the cpu voltage correct?
have you tried it without external cache disabled?
lower fsb?
just some ideas that could make it unstable