First post, by Alexraptor
I'm having a bit of an odd problem with my Windows 98 SE Compaq Deskpro.
Some games are behaving oddly with dialogue specifically. The dialogue audio is being rushed and isn't allowed to finish playback. A character will start saying one thing and the dialogue cuts abruptly as the next one starts speaking, and sometimes it just rushes through the entire encounter in seconds, without a sound.
So far I've encountered this issue in X: Beyond the Frontier and in Starfleet Academy, when running it with the Direct3D executable. I have a Dell OEM model Creative Sound Blaster Live! There was an IRQ conflict/overlap initially with the graphics card (Matrox G200), but i rectified that and it doesn't seem to have had any effect on fixing the issue. I also thought maybe the CPU is too fast (Slot 1 Katmai Pentium III 450Mhz), which could have been the case for SFA, but not X, since it's a 1999 game.
Any ideas?