I tried this program and... I am experiencing a performance boost that exceeded my expectations by a lot, an abnormal performance boost, and my system was already optimized with write combining enabled and all the stuff, so I thought I would do some investigation...
My system:
AMD K6-III+ 575Mhz (115*5)
Asus P5A-B (Ali Aladdin V)
Voodoo 3 3000 AGP
This motherboard has options in bios to enable write combining and frame buffer stuff, so i wasn't using any of the other WC enabler tools, like K6WCX, as they made no measurable difference when I tested them.
I was getting 29.4 fps in Quake 640x480 dosbench test, which is a bit more than what Philscomputerlab was getting in his review video of this tool, so I thought this tool would not do anything for me, another K6WCX tool but fancier... oh, I was so wrong...
With the exact same configuration I executed K6init /Auto and now I am getting 40.1 fps in Quake 640x480, that's a 37% increase, and this made Quake2 (Q2Dos port) playable over 30fps at 640x480!.
Here's some test results from dosbench with Bios tweaks and K6INIT:
Chris's 3D bench 640x480 (4) : 212.7 Score
PC Player 640x480 (6): 81.0 fps
Quake 640x480 (e): 40.1 fps
And here the same tests with K6INIT only:
Chris's 3D bench 640x480 (4) : 136.8 Score
PC Player 640x480 (6): 49.0 fps
Quake 640x480 (e): 28.6 fps
This lead me to think there's more room to improve what this tool is doing to squeeze even more the k6, at least on ALi chipset.
I remember years ago I managed to trace what the bios in this MB is doing with chipset registers and used pciset tool to replicate the behavior in order to transfer this tweaks to motherboards lacking this bios options, it is flipping some bits in 3 southbridge registers 84 85 and 86. South Bridge is Ali M1541, Vendor 10B9, Device 5243
Bios configuration by default (wc fb off in bios):
PCISET 5243 10B9 84 1111 0000
PCISET 5243 10B9 85 1111.1111 0000.0000
PCISET 5243 10B9 86 1111 000
Bios tweaked configuration (wc fb enabled):
PCISET 5243 10B9 84 1111 1111
PCISET 5243 10B9 85 1110.0000 1110.0000
PCISET 5243 10B9 85 0000.1111 110
PCISET 5243 10B9 86 1111 111
I tried this in other Aladdin V motherboards which do not have this options in bios, like the GA-5AX and Diamond Mironics C200, and got about the same performance as with the Asus and now with K6INIT the performance went over the roof. This bit masking and flipping thing makes my head hurt and probably the same results can be obtained with less commands, i'm not an expert. The bits to set can be deducted from the PCISET syntax.
The idea would be to integrate this chipset tweaks into the k6init tool if that's possible and... boom, more free performance for everybody!
Also, as a feature request, I would like the tool to have an option to output less text, a line or two would be great to know it's working as I like to have my boot screen less bloated, I use it in config.sys, so >NUL doesn't work.
I hope this post is helpful.