First post, by Pickle
I have a xp system with athlon 64 3400+ that ive been running a geforce 6200 256 mb card in. Ive been wanting to try to upgrade it a little bit and i thought i found a card that could.
I came across a 7300 GT card and all the searching i did seem to suggest it was an upgrade. Its also in a shuttle case so im limited to single slot cards. When I put in my system and its been abysmal.
Im running quake 3 at 1024x768x32 and im clocking 150+ fps on the 6200 and 20-30 fps on the 7300. Running other quake engine and it was no better.
Both use the same driver (im using last release by nvidia)
The only differences im coming across is mainly the memory:
6200: 256 mb with 64 bit bus at about 500 Mhz ddr2 (so about 1000 mhz effective)
7300: 512 mb with 128 bit bus at 333 Mhz ddr2 (so about 666 mhz effective)
I tried overclocking the BFG and it still sucked. I got to about 390 mhz gpu and 390 mhz memory. Still couldnt get past 30 fps.
At one point i uninstalled the driver and reinstalled, but it really didnt help. It also does have the bridge chip from pcie to agp.
I also cleaned the card and applied new thermal paste.
I totally dont get it that 6200 was just a old purchase i made for a HTPC. Its full part number is NX6200AX-TD256HD2. I cant even tell who made it, looks a stock nvidia design.
Its clocked at 350 mhz with about 500 mhz memory.
Would 277 Mhz make that much of a difference? I thought 128 bit bus would even help the 7300 even at the lower clock speed.
Anyone remember more details about this card?