A while back my wife asked me to stop buying so many old parts. It was certainly getting to be a large collection and wasn't very tidy and not easy to hide away. I'm sure my collection is still very small compared to some of the other folks here with larger houses, but I have a lot of fun stuff to tinker with and can build a bunch of different types of systems depending on what I feel like. And it's not like I'm completely done getting more because my wife is still okay with me getting something new here or there if an item I really want pops up somewhere and I just talk to her about it first. Also, now she appreciates me spending time trying to make it more organized and clean.
I suppose I should say that I keep all my parts in the back of the garage, or in the den where I have the retro desk beside my modern computer desk, so it's not really taking up any space in our common areas which probably helps.
Along with that, I've pivoted a bit in how I spend time with the hobby. I used to spend more time cobbling stuff together on my work bench to test things, or trying overclocking or whatever. Recently I've been spending time creating a clean desk setup for finished systems. So, less testing and more building, plus I got a 4-port kvm that I mounted under the desk and routed all the cables neatly. And that kinda serves two purposes. First is that I am problem-solving and continuing to work with retro stuff and scratching that itch, but also my wife appreciates that some of the messiness is going away.
I don't really try to get her interested in it, but I do share my excitement with her. She enjoys seeing me be an excited nerd about something I just figured out, just so long as I don't bore her with all the little details about everything. 😀
Hope that might help a bit.