First post, by Ladyhawk
OK, I've tried everything I can think of and I absolutely cannot get my Sidewinder 3D Pro working properly under D2X or Glidos. Obviously, I'm focusing on Glidos here.
I've tried everything I can think of, including the old Joyfix file by Stormshark (didn't work). I even tried to enable joystick support through VDMS, but got this error message:
Configuration - COM Error
Unable to initialize and configure emulation module 'JoystickController'.
(a bunch of hex code here...tell me if you need it)
0x80004004 - Operation aborted
The value 't' in A.analog.T is invalid. Please provide one of the following values:
blah blah blah
I think I'll try "Z" which is usually recognized as the throttle and get back to you, but as of now, this isn't working. 🙁
Also: if anyone has any bright ideas about how to get the SW3DPRO working under D2X, I'm all ears. I tried Joystick-to-Mouse, but it didn't have enough axes. PTHTHTHT
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