First post, by Machine_1760

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I think I've read enough elsewhere about how to do this but I'm unable to find a valid link to the software required. It's called bootx and all Google links lead (eventually) back to the same dead download link on this page:


Does anyone have copy that they'd be willing to upload?

Reply 1 of 5, by ADDiCT

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Rank Oldbie

I'm no Mac user, but I've got an old iMac G3 a while ago. The first thing I did was to format the hd and install Ubuntu PPC. Install worked fine and the OS is running nicely. The machine hasn't got enough RAM to run the default desktop though, gotta try again with XUbuntu. All I did was download the ISO and boot the machine with the CD in the drive while holding down some key combination so it would boot from CD. Ubuntu also installed its own bootloader (which wasn't GRUB IIRC) which was text mode only but did the job. Can't say anthing about an existing install of MacOS, but I presume the bootloader would "see" the partition and create an entry for booting it in its menu.

EDIT: correction, of course the default Ubuntu desktop works in my iMac, it's just quite slow and sluggish.

Last edited by ADDiCT on 2011-01-05, 09:54. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2 of 5, by WolverineDK

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Hmmm depending on the amount of ram the old G3 power mac has, then he could probably use Lubuntu´s windowing system, which looks a lot like an older(ish) Windows 9X+ newer (a mixture) Windows GUIs, and Lubuntu (the OS I know has nothing to do with the G3 but let me finish my sentence none the less) only needs 50 megabytes of ram to run, so if it is /was possible he could use that window manager (from Lubuntu) on his Ubuntu PPC distro ?

Reply 3 of 5, by cdoublejj

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Or better yet Lubuntu witch is lighter than xubuntu

Reply 4 of 5, by ADDiCT

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There's no PPC version of Lubuntu.

Reply 5 of 5, by WolverineDK

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ADDiCT: that is probably true, but what I am hinting at, is this. That if he wants a window manager (KDE etc.) then, he could use L X D E which Lubuntu uses.