First post, by xan1242

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So here is the comparison video on YouTube between real MT-32 and emulated one.All I have to say is that I am very impressed by the developers who got this far.

(I don't know how to add a embed youtube video in this forum)


The recordings from a real MT-32 were ripped from Castlevania Chronicles PS1 disc,so you will hear continuation of the music at the end (they did that because the music loops).There are some things Konami made during recording.They recorded off an earlier model (rev00) MT-32 which has the vibrato problem,they changed the master tune and added reverb to some tracks.

EDIT:What's up with sysex buffer?It says it is too small when I try to send those sysex messages from the exact same game (Akumajo Dracula x68000 for SHARP x68000) with MIDIOX.And the game itself has problems loading some instruments to the MT-32 emulator.

Reply 2 of 2, by Kippesoep

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Rank Oldbie
xan1242 wrote:

What's up with sysex buffer?It says it is too small when I try to send those sysex messages from the exact same game (Akumajo Dracula x68000 for SHARP x68000) with MIDIOX.And the game itself has problems loading some instruments to the MT-32 emulator.

The speed at which the sysex data is sent is the major factor here. The MT-32 needs some time to process the sysex message. A program is supposed to wait a while (at least 20 milliseconds) between each transmitted message. If it doesn't, the buffer overflows and the sound messes up. The maximum size of a message is limited to 256 bytes. Larger messages need to be split up. If you use a program not specifically designed for the MT-32, but capable of interfacing with more modern hardware, it might be ignoring those rules and cause an "Exc. Buffer Overflow".

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