The Mystery -5V Rail

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First post, by CoreDuo

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I searched for a good long while on the forum for something somewhat relevant to this but I was coming up empty.

I have this motherboard that I acquired off eBay and was considering using an AWE32. I will need to buy a power supply because unfortunately, I don't have any spares. After looking around on Newegg, I became curious about any reasons that newer power supplies wouldn't work on this board. I then noticed a something that was eliminated in the ATX v1.2 spec, the lowly -5V rail. Digging around some more, I found out that this was used for (old?) ISA cards. I'd read generalizations that "modern" sound cards either didn't use this rail at all or derived it from the -12V rail.

My questions here is:
Is there a specific revision of ATX power supply I need to look for so that it does have a -5V rail so that I can use something like an ISA Soundblaster 16, AWE32, or the like?

I also realize the board has PCI slots but I already have ISA sound cards so I'd like to try and use those first.

Thanks! 😀


Reply 1 of 10, by retro games 100

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You're in luck. You don't need any special PSU. Your old Creative ISA soundcards don't need the -5V rail. There is a really old 8-bit Creative SoundBlaster that needs it, but I can't remember the exact model number. However, it's not on your list of old ISA hardware. I believe that the old Roland LAPC-i also needs the -5V rail.

However, there is a really nice modern quiet efficient ATX PSU you can buy, that still includes the -5V rail! It's here. They've even got some left in stock. I've bought them from here before, and so I can recommend the seller and the product.

If you want to use a new ATX PSU with an old AT power socket on an old mobo, that's easy too. Here is an adapter on ebay. I've bought them from that seller before, and I can recommend them.

Reply 2 of 10, by CoreDuo

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Thanks for the information! Actually, I don't need an AT -> ATX adapter because the motherboard has both AT and ATX power on it already. Thanks anyway.


Reply 3 of 10, by memsys

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Sorry for digging this up but what was the -5 volt line used for ? All i know is that it's used by some isa cards.
Can i use this motherboard without the -5 line safely ?
Also that were to happen if i accidentally put in a isa card that used the -5 line ?

Reply 4 of 10, by Great Hierophant

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Rank l33t
memsys wrote:

Sorry for digging this up but what was the -5 volt line used for ? All i know is that it's used by some isa cards.
Can i use this motherboard without the -5 line safely ?
Also that were to happen if i accidentally put in a isa card that used the -5 line ?

-5v is only used on the expansion bus, so your motherboard should work just fine without it.
-5v is used by the Roland LAPC-I, the Sound Blaster 2.0, some ISA VGA cards and memory expansion adapters
The system may freeze if you put a card in that uses -5v until you pull it out.

http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/ - Nerdly Pleasures - My Retro Gaming, Computing & Tech Blog

Reply 5 of 10, by memsys

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Thanks for the answers !

Reply 6 of 10, by buckrogers

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Anyone know if the -5v rail is used by the MPU-IPC-T?

Reply 7 of 10, by sklawz

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i can't help specifically but refer to this page:

if a card uses B5 on the solder side (reverse) then
you have a requirement for -5v.

it would seem that ancient DRAM boards require
it and it's said also very old NEC floppy controllers.

i can't say i that i have anything that uses it although
B5 is connected on a mediavision jazz16 card i have.


if this is the card:
then it would appear not to use B5

Reply 8 of 10, by megatron-uk

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Rank Oldbie

I'm looking at my MPU-IPC-T in front of me now and it has the pad for B5 (actually my version has every pad in place and uses a 25-way D-connector for the breakout), but it's not actually connected to any traces.

My collection database and technical wiki:

Reply 9 of 10, by ratfink

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Your link in your signature... those games you have for download... are they even so-called abandonware? Or aren't they the games themselves?

sarcasm intended
so what?

Reply 10 of 10, by buckrogers

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Rank Newbie
sklawz wrote:

then it would appear not to use B5

Thanks very much.

On a closely related topic, modern PSU's that may be considered for our old school rigs include:

1. Nexus NX-3500 (has -5v rail) (end of life / discontinued)
2. Nexus Value 430 (no -5v but similar max current demands on all three +ve rails)
3. Lowest power Seasonic S12II Bronze is also worth a look.