I guess that some are missing half of the the thread. The other half is on the SHP forums. barbuto had tried to apply the NRS patch for the floppy version of GK1. This issue is a timer bug, which can also be avoided by running DOSBox at a lower cycles setting. I would think that Boxer can't take into account all of the DOS games that have timer bugs. Yes, Sierra may have been more guilty of this than other developers, but it is not just limited to Sierra.
What barbuto did not do is to make sure that he placed the patch files where the game could find them or to adjust the RESOURCE.CFG to point to them. After he edited his RESOURCE.CFG what I had instructed him to change it to, the game was able to find the NRS patch files. I don't know how barbuto setup his game, but I would suspect that all of the patch files from the installation had been placed in a "PATCHES" folder and the RESOURCE.CFG pointed to that folder, so the game did not look to its base directory for the files. Changing "patchDir = .\PATCHES" to "patchDir = .\;.\PATCHES" will get the game to also look in both its base and not just the PATCHES subdirctory.
This is why I went the route of my installers. So many games have specific configurations and needs that go beyond what is reasonable for any one frontend to deal with. Patching games is also something that would not be easily handled through a frontend. I can easily deal with any game on a case by case basis to account for this, properly patch it and give it an optimal configuration. Problem is, they are Windows only. WINE seems to work with NSIS installers, but somethings may fail, such as concatenating resources. Even so, Linux users would still have to modify the installation afterwards to get it to use their Linux port of DOSBox and modify the mounting and shortcuts accordingly.
I have had requests for Mac version of my installers, but I am not familiar enough with scripting on the Mac to do so. I would be willing to host any Mac or Linux versions of my installers, if anyone is able and willing to do the scripting. Dominus at one point had looked into it for the Mac, but got too busy to continue.