First post, by theelf
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- Oldbie
Hi, i have two problem with a SB Live! card, first, I'm using this SB live in a Thin Client Futro S220, and i have the problem i explain in another thread, that i ANY sound card don't have sound output (speaker,line out..)
I discover something incredible.... the digital SPDIF give me output sound!!! i test only in windows 2000, and everything OK
Now my questions>
In DOS, the drivers works OK, but i cant find the way to have DIGITAL (SPDIF) output
After install the SB live! DOS drivers, i have a new folder in C:\DOSDRV, and inside this folder i found a ini CTSYN.INI, and the last line, have a option
y change to TRUE
But still not digital output.... ANY IDEAS??? thanks
And second question
The SB lIve! in Windows 98SE, only give me blue screens (emu10k1 problem)
I tried everything, old, new drivers (1998 to 2001 drivers), cyrix patch, VIA PCI latency path, MMX=1 in register option... etc
With newer drivers, the card is detected OK, and no conflict in resources
But every time i play any sound, i get a blue screen, complain about emu10k1 vxd driver
any ideas about this?
And last, if is not possible to make this sound card to work... any alternatives?
Im looking for a PCI sound card with digital SPDIF output, and good support for DOS.... ideas?
thanks for all, sorry for all trouble