dgVoodoo 1 announcement thread

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Reply 60 of 206, by Snover

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vBulletin is retarded. I want to use phpBB, but I'm too damn lazy to finish the new layout. >.<

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 61 of 206, by DosFreak

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Going to sticky this thread....

Geesh, we're gonna need an index or something for VOGONS.....

Mabye a pre-formatted search engine page with values already selected for certain key words with a certain # of hit rates for typed word? I dunno....

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Reply 62 of 206, by Dege

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Temporarily I've been back for the weekend.
Oh, my God, what a fray was going on while I wasn't at home! 😏 😏
I can't react to them now.

Sorry for corrupt v1.15, I don't know what the problem was. Yesterday I discovered a fatal error in v1.15 (this prevents Extreme assault from working), and uploaded a new version of it. This also fixes some graphical glitches in UT.
Batracio! Thanks the support and testing! As for the Operation Sex icon: you can't image what icons are behind the dgVoodoo window!
I could hardly hide them! 😁 😁 😁 😊 😊

Reply 63 of 206, by Dege

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Well... I had more free time than I thought before.
So, a new version of dgVoodoo is out (v1.20). It supports DOS programs under XP (without VESA emu and mouse support). It has also been improved to give better results with Red Baron 3D (thanks the RB3D community for testing betas!)

Reply 64 of 206, by Stiletto

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I hate to say it, Paul, but OpenGlide+GliDOS is starting to look old and feeble. You gotta clear some free time for development... OTOH, Dege needs to go read about Tomb Raider XTra. 😁
(For Dege: Here's the main site - http://www.resonantedge.com/trx/
Additional info in the GliDOS forum.)

But seriously, Zeckensack's, dgVoodoo, eVoodoo - OpenGlide pales in comparison. OTOH, it's the only one that's ever been ported to a Macintosh, and it's open-source. Wish to God the original developers would wake up and work on it (or that fresh blood came into the scene).

The PEOPS Project for Glide wrappers would not go amiss here...

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 65 of 206, by Stiletto

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I just gave a state-of-the-union on the Glide wrapper scene here:
http://www.retrogames.com/cgi-bin/wwwthreads/ … &sb=5#Post76471

Kaminari, Targaff, take note: this affects some things you've been researching - Kaminari with compatibility testing with Tomb Raider, Targaff with I-War. Dege, this will get you up-to-date if you haven't been keeping an eye on things.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 66 of 206, by Targaff

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Stiletto: thanks for the heads-up, I caught it on RG a bit earlier 😀 I would be happy to do some playing; unfortunately, however, I'm currently running a V3 and V5 (picked them up on Ebay a while back) so I'm currently only downloading wrappers for eventual future use.

Dege: when downloading I still got the same timeout problems as previously with the file. Shall I upload it here again? I'd offer to host it somewhere but I've nowhere available right now that the admin wouldn't come down on me like a ton of bricks if I did...

Intel CC820 | PIII 667 | 2x128MB SDRAM | 3Dfx Voodoo 5 5500 @ Dell P790 | Creative SB PCI128 | Fujitsu MPC3064AT 6GB + QUANTUM FIREBALLlct10 10 GB | SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-608 | IOMEGA ZIP 100 | Realtek RTL8139C | Agere Win Modem

Reply 67 of 206, by Dege

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Stiletto: Thanks for the infos and ink, altough I know about TRX and the new version of Zeckensack's glide wrapper. I think TRX is a great thing, would be nice to support it! 😁 😈
Targaff: fw.hu is very slow nowadays, I don't know why. I was hardly able to upload the wrapper. I don't mind if you upload it here if you can do that. 😎

Reply 68 of 206, by Dege

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uhh, I mean infos and link...

Reply 69 of 206, by robertmo

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Tomb Raider works very nice
Grand Theft Auto is faster in DOSBox 😉

Reply 70 of 206, by CraigG

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Welcome back, Dege.

I must admit, this is a fabulous wrapper.

I wonder what the results would be, if you, Paul, and Fabio, worked together on both dgvoodoo, and Openglide. I just turn to jelly, thinking about it 😉

Outlaws, runs absolutely flawless with this wrapper. And I'm pleased as a pleased man on national pleased man day. 😁

Athlon 64 3000+ stock
MSI NForce 4 K8N Neo Platinum
nVidia Geforce 6800GT stock clocks
SBLive! Platinum + Audigy ZS2 Drivers
WinXP Pro SP2

Reply 71 of 206, by Targaff

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I swear... <sigh> Anyhow, attached.

Reply 72 of 206, by teleguy

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Dege, I have problems with Tombraider 1 and dgVoodoo . Could you take a look at
Tomb Raider 1 Directors Cut ?

Reply 73 of 206, by Stiletto

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Dege is currently in the military and on assignment, he's not really available for tech support. (You'd know this if you read the thread.) Stupid question: have you tried Glidos?

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 74 of 206, by VirtuaIceMan

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Rank Oldbie

Well I know he's not available, but here's a note for when he does manage to check this thread (I assume even the military have breaks?!?)

Need For Speed II SE - with "enable W-Buffer" on you get drivers in the Ford Mustang Mach III being shown through the car body and you can see road lines and cars through hillsides. With "emulate W-Buffer" on the previous drawing issues go away but you get a flicker on the car shadow and the road lines near the car.

This is on Radeon 9800XT with Catalyst 4.2.


Reply 75 of 206, by Dege

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Stiletto is right, I monitor VOGONS rarely.
However I'm here now, maybe I could help you.

Teleguy: I've experienced your problem. The truth is, I've realized that DOS wrapping for XP is bad in 1.20. (Just try it out with Blood, you get an unplayable game. Maybe hanging TR is due to this problem, I don't know.)
I've fixed this "bug" so I'm going to release a patch version soon, however I'm not sure DOS prgs will run perfectly. I still get stuttering sound, even with software version of TR, so there is a problem having nothing to do with the wrapper but with XP. (For the time being I don't know exactly what the problem is.)

VirtualIceMan: I have the demo version of NFS, could you send me a screenshot about it?

Reply 76 of 206, by VirtuaIceMan

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Rank Oldbie

Hi Dege,

The pictures below show the following:

dgvoodoo1.gif = my first page of settings

dgvoodoo2.gif = my second page of settings (Enable W-Buffering ON)

nfs2seWBUFFERon.jpg = with Enable W-Buffering you can see through hills and the driver shows through the car.

nfs2seWBUFFERemu.jpg = with Emulate W-Buffering the shadow under the car flickers and the road lines around the car break up (both white and yellow).

NOTE: both shots were shrunk from 1024x768 to 640x480 to make them fit the forum better.


Reply 77 of 206, by Dege

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Hmm... thanks!
It looks like as if scene was drawn without w-buffer. Do you experience this problem in other games too?
Maybe I should release a version which is able to write a log file. It could be more easy to figure out what is going on.
(With w-buff emu, some polygons can be distorted because of the large distance range converted to Z-values between 0.0 and 1.0 .)

Reply 78 of 206, by VirtuaIceMan

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Rank Oldbie

To be honest, I've only tried the game on NFS2SE as I use Zeckensack's wrapper for the rest. I did try a few other titles:

- Test Drive Off Road 2 - pyschadelic colours on the landscape and sky

- Boss Rally - does high resolution textures (Zeckensack's are too low-res) but many polygons are missing and it leaves trails all over the place.

- Speedbusters - can't get it to start.

I could do a full test on all my games for you if you want. Note: I haven't installed your wrapper as you state, rather I put the glide2x.dll file and the dgvoodoosetup.exe file in the game's main folder. I do this as I want to use Zeckensack's wrapper for other games for the moment.


Reply 79 of 206, by Dege

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Thanks the infos. One of my next steps will be testing it with as many games as I can, and fixing as many bugs as I can.