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First post, by theelf

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everyone

Many years ago, maybe 10? 12? i had a small software, in my win98 machine, that let me change the TITLE BAR TEXT. I lost this software, and i dont find in any place.... 🙁

Maybe someone still have on the HDD 😀

With this app, I can set, title in center, right side, change text, add text...etc

For example, if I open notepad, the normal title bar text is:

Untitled - Notepad

In the left side

With this great software, i can make something like

--<<<<<< |||||||| Untitled - Notepad |||||||| >>>>>>---

In the center or sight side

The program do a lot of more stuff, like put a clock...etc etc

Everything can be made with wildcards, like

--< %N %C >>-- (name, clock)

Will output

--<< Untitled - Notepad 12:58 >>--

I really miss it....

This app is NOT:

Title Bar text changer
Title Bar Changer Studio
Epc Title Bar Changer
Window Title Changer 1.0
WindowStudio 1.3
Title Bar Reader 0.9

Some help!!??? jeje, hope someone remember the name!!


Reply 2 of 3, by theelf

User metadata
Rank Oldbie

Thanks Jorpho for the fast reply!

For now, Im googling TitleWAVE without luck

If one day you found it, will be perfect, maybe is the software I had (or maybe not..jaja).. like I said, sadly i forget the name *shame*

Thanks again!

Reply 3 of 3, by Jorpho

User metadata
Rank l33t++

Here we are.

One of the first things that came up when I tried Googling looked like it might have been a keygen.


  • Filename
    File size
    438.14 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception