First post, by c627627

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Rank Newbie

If you use DOSBox for only one program and you'd like to replace the Red Background / Black & White DosBox logo, which program would you use to insert your custom picture?

What should the resolution of the image be? I understand it should be converted to .ppm format?

Is the logo inside DOSBox.exe or SDL.dll ?

Thank you for your help.

Reply 2 of 7, by c627627

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Rank Newbie

Thank you. I do not intend to do anything else other then insert custom splash screen. Could you tell me which Windows software I can use to access the information inside DOSBox.exe in order to replace it with a custom picture?

Reply 4 of 7, by c627627

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Rank Newbie

If I use custom DOSBox.exe for one program and one program only, word processor WordPerfect 5.1+ for DOS, is it OK if I change the splash screen to emulate on Windows 8 the way it looked when it was starting twenty years ago?

If so, is it OK to ask questions here how to accomplish that goal for personal use?

I have tried doing a search on this topic before starting this thread and found two threads on this very forum. They seemed to be talking about files not part of the custom DOSBox used to start this program.

Which Windows program would I use to open DOSBox.exe for editing and what is the resolution of the original splash screen?

Reply 5 of 7, by Zorbid

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Rank Member

All the information required to change the logo can be found in the source code, assuming you understand what's going on.

It won't be easy to do as a non-programmer, since you must convert the image to the proper format then recompile DOSBox to achieve what you want. You could edit the binary in a hex editor, but you'd need to find an image that compresses to exactly the same size as the current logo (or perhaps a smaller one would be ok too?), and it would be painfully long to do, anyway.

I don't think you'll get more help than this here, because the splash screen is there to prevent random people from using DOSBox stealthily, for example bundled with an DOS program that they would want to sell without acknowledging the authors. We don't want to make that process easier for them.

Reply 6 of 7, by c627627

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Rank Newbie

Zorbid, I appreciate the explanation.

I understand.

Reply 7 of 7, by Yesterplay80

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Rank Oldbie

Btw.: Who created the logo for the splash screen? I'm using it as an icon for my enhanced DOSBox build instead of the "boxy" looking one and would like to give credit to the right author.

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)