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First post, by bigskymusiclover

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Rank Newbie

Greetings, my 1st post here. I thought I was only one going around "playing" with what most call worthless junk hardware. To new to be vintage/collectable and to old to be useful.

Anyway my two current systems I have are a Compaq Deskpro 2000 MMX P233 with a whopping 32MB and a huge 3GB with Win95 and slot load CD. The second one is Compaq Presario 5000, the ones with the color coded plastic fronts. Has a 1Ghz PIII 512 40GB and WinMe.

As you can tell I am a Compaq fan. I don't know you all feel about console gaming systems but I also bought a the 1st Xbox, is as close to a PC as you can get, has a 733 PIII Coppermine with 64MB and 8gb. Some of my PC games left the PC and went to only Xbox that's the only reason why I own it.

Look forward to being a member here

Reply 2 of 6, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

The Deskpro 2000 was a brilliant PC! Looked good, built well and reliable as a rock.
My 1st site when I got into the IT support industry still had roughly half dozen or so 2000 and the closely related 4000’s running Win9? and only thing that ever failed was 1 HDD. In the end it was only when we standardised the OS to WinXP that they were stored in the comms room for another few years, until I was allowed to take them ALL home. Still got them sitting in my parents’ garage back in Oz.

They still remain my favourite Compaq PC, but most of the business range was pretty good. Hated the Presario/home range, Sorry they just felt cheap compared to the business stuff.
After the HP takeover they don’t seem such good quality anymore, but then PC’s are replaced quicker so I guess it’s fair enough. HP servers based on the old Compaq range still seem pretty good IMHO

Not much of a console man myself but work brought each of us an xbox as our Christmas bonus 1st year it was released, but I couldn’t get immersed in the games. Moved to UK and few years later a houseshare which had an old xbox running XBMC. That I did like! so much so I got a replacement xbox 2 years ago after my “lets make this run better” changes had quite the opposite affect.

Reply 4 of 6, by FeedingDragon

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Rank Oldbie

Welcome to the boards 😀

I have nothing against anyone who is loyal to a brand.... Just because I prefer DIY systems doesn't mean I don't understand brand loyalty. Myself I have a 233MMX with 64mb and Win98 installed (along with a Voodoo2 12mb, ATI 1mb for 2D, and an AWE-32 for audio.) I also have a Dual Core 2.4Ghz with 2Gb, Radeon HD4650, and X-Fi X-treme audio as my main system with WinXP. Both of those are DIY systems, but then I've always had fun tinkering 😀

I also have (in case you are curious,) An Amiga 2000 (4G HDD, 8meg SupraRAM, KS1.3 & 2.0.) An Amiga 4000 (currently in pieces as I'm cobbling upgrades and getting it towered up.) As far as consoles I have an old Atari 2600, an NES, a SNES, an XBox modded, and an XBox360. My consoles are sort of out of the picture right now though (I'm currently living mostly out of boxes until I find more permanent living arrangements.) My Commodore 128 is currently non-functional (an attempted modification went totally wrong.) I'm debating trying to fix it or just buy a replacement. My TI-99/4A works great, but is currently boxed with my consoles. I've been trying to get an Apple II off and on for a while now, but have put that off mostly (again waiting for more permanent living arrangements.)

Feeding Dragon

Reply 5 of 6, by bigskymusiclover

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Rank Newbie

Thanks for the welcome, all three of my main daily driver PC's are custom built, I am a PC tech by trade, but I like the older Compaq system's, they are well built and just seem to work without any fuss. Chinny22 are you talking about the early type Presario's or the later type, the early kind in the gray were bad and I don't like them, the ones after that were good.

Reply 6 of 6, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

Cant really remember, would have been machines I came accross roughly between 2003-2006ish? Some may have been older but still in use.
All I really rmember was being surprised at the difference in quality.