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First post, by CwF

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I had to sign up after scanning around, what a great group you have here.

I stumbled on this group looking for info for some restore builds I'm doing to take me forward for the next few years without buying much new stuff. So, I'm more cheap than a genuine retro builder. I retired from building years ago, was sick for years, and am now reclaiming my life - and cleaning out my basement. And that has led to some renewed interest...

I have desktops in multiple places I go to miles apart and I'm not really laptop guy. Overall, I'm recycling some higher end pieces of old for new purpose, and since I haven't kept up, I have some questions. The experts I need seem to be here!

I am 'upgrading" 3 computers to XP specifically for EFILive V8. Internet browsing may be better since things are starting to complain about FF12, old adobe, etc. I do play a few games which should be no problem, PF4, SC4, MW4, and my favorite Descent2XL. That last one may have advanced in my absence under the Doom3 engine, I haven't checked. All run W2K Pro and Server SP4 and are heavily tweaked.

For my own use I'm bent on Supermicro. I used to have a vendor relationship and most people resisted paying the price, which meant more support from me. So some of my builds coming up are leftovers from proto builds.

My main box I'm typing on is a C2SBC-Q with a Q6600. I'm going to change out the Quadro video for a ATI 7750 and a HD750 tuner since I'm in range of digital broadcast where that one sits. I expect no issues with that one, and I'll do it last. It pushes 2 40" Samsungs and I expect the ATI to do it much better.

Box 2 is a P3TDLE with dual 1.4 Tualatins. Here's where I found some interesting things on this here message board. First, yes, most PCI cards after PCI 2.x will run at 66 MHz. Frist, because it is in the spec, secondly, anything with a AGP cousin ran at 66. Benchmarks will scale to exactly double in my experience. I did get the tech info from ATI over a decade ago. Almost no 66MHz PCI board I know of is clockable. SM's generally are not but I have done a few with a custom strings in SoftFSB I believe. I don't bother anymore. So, this board has an ATI Wonder VE as primary and a 7000 as secondary at 66 MHz and there not to bad. That one sits in the high mountains with an analog TV repeater close by, still?!

-----Question 1: As seen elsewhere on these boards without much conclusion, what could I expect by using the most modern ATI 5450 PCI?

The advantages for me would be a single slot frees up the other 66 slot for a 8 port sata card. The current version uses a promise TX2 ATA card that will not coexist with the sata card. The onboard IDE pos of this generation are fatally flawed, so are disabled. So I could fit some SSD's and get a new BD player of some kind. But, would that modern card play a blueray as claimed with the p3's? Note, under 2k it had 4 scsi channels and the sata card was happy. I spent a week hacking in the W2k scsi subsystem to get the thing booting XP on those Buslogic flahpoint controllers only to see it was a waste of time since they would get confused and timeout every so often. Anyway, a sole sata card with SSD's would be nice and the system would be virtually silent since everything is passive cooling. Nice. It will change, but I also took the time to get it's Guillimot HS 64 Pro ISA soundcard fully working and working right from the unattended install of XP. It is a little big so I may use the DMX 6fire that is in the P4 system this will replace. Correct! That P4 is better suited as a space heater than a computer and I'm tired of fixing it. It's loud and dies on a regular basis. It is a 10,500' altitude and that is part of the issue, and a case for the SSD's.

Rebuild Question #2

-----What's wrong with the default driver in XP for the Voodoo 5500 AGP?

I'm considering using one on a P3TDe6 and a brief test install came up out of the box with usable resolution on 26" 1920x1200 display. I don't remember what it could do, it might have been lower, but I remember using it on a 24" SG widescreen tube monitor at 1440 or something. anyway, are any of the 3rd party drivers, or the W2k 1.04(?) drivers any better than the default XP driver? As I remember, under 2k the second gpu wasn't doing anything anyway? Has that changed?
Just to add unintended insult to the purist here, I may access this box remotely so it could be headless and just use the card to drive it's VNC. I know, blasphemy, that's my last subject.
Considerations for this box are simpler, just for full function backup and recovery duties. For one this is the most stable thing I've ever come across. As a long 24/7 life running everything and spooling 4 cameras to a raid array and it logged over 365 days up time!! 2 or 3 times exceeded 6 months, I may have a screen shot of that one, and was in use for over 10 years. I recently tried a P3TSSR and it simply doesn't load well. The giant P3TDe6 simply rocks, so I'm going to rebuild. It has the undecided video card, dual U160, 8 port sata at 64/66, Farrolon gigabit at 64/66, 4 port firewire, 4 port USB 2, 4 port Argus framegrabber, and a soundcard. It will connect to practically any storage device. I have done data recovery in the past and this case I made has connects up front; ide on the scsi chain, 50 pin slide, 68 pin slot, 80 pin 5 disk cage, floptical, and tapes, and esata. No SAS.

...But, iirc, a voodoo 5500 might run Doom3 with that Descent plug in under XP real pretty? So every so often I could use it for that, running quiet on a single SSD! maybe. Otherwise, 2000 server may need to stay running off those harrier sounding scsi drives. Dual boot would be easy I guess, XP lost support for scsi for the most part, none of my tools run without ASPI. Hacking in the current (no such thing?) ASPI into the install made for some interesting instabilities. And hacking floptical support into XP's DOS seemed impossible? And worthless. I do have old games on a handful of those disk, and movies on the tapes which also seems not to work under XP. I also have some other video cards that could work, but a modern choice for the AGP PRO 50 slot is absent. So that PCI P3TDLE may be a better front machine. Don't know yet.

So lastly, thanks for letting me ramble to this most excellent group, and I have my weak newbie vote for some kind of marketplace. Nothing would make me happier than getting some of my archived equipment into the hands of some vogons. Dual head DOS/NT? Ensoniq's? PCP 450w IT5H 292 Mhz MMX with 4 channel UW raid?


I used to know what I was doing...

Reply 2 of 6, by CwF

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ok then, that would explain what I remember. That voodoo is sitting in a P6SBM with a missing slot 1. It was a server 1 gig that this board would clock to 1200, but I sold it. I have some slot cpu's around... just another box I don't have time for at the moment. It has dos/98/2k/xp/BeOS on it I think...
I've just been putting together a current disc for the P3TDe6 and have just ran it through some boot and utility test with it fully loaded with cards and an ATI 9700. An Nvidia FX5200 is on the bench too...

I used to know what I was doing...

Reply 3 of 6, by CwF

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Well, testing continues. I found a thread here with mention of poor AGP performance out of the P3TDe6, and my memory started to come back. The PDF for the board doesn't match. This board was a reject from a batch, and it went to SM, and one of it's bioses was custom modded by them and then I did a bunch of video test, and kept it. Anyway, this one has a few extra AGP settings in the bios and one is AGP4X! Along with additional enables for sideband, fast write and back to back writes. So I turn it all up and it blew up. XP loaded some extra AGP drivers on it's 3rd boot and finally decided there was a sound card in there, and then a video test left me with a cursor only. To be fair I used just the inf from ATI 10.2 integrated as oem without and before the dotnet 1.1,2,3,3.5, and 4 integration ran. So maybe an invalid test. I have a standard bios chip somewhere and not sure why it's not in the board, and maybe I should do a standard driver install post os install, so invalid test maybe... I remember I had a 9600XT running ok, and believe the V5500 test ran fine with AGP disabled in the bios. So far, the P3TDLE is running nicer with it's PCI video.

I used to know what I was doing...

Reply 4 of 6, by CwF

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Well I got back to testing and goes a little slow on the scsi disc. I will test the sata/ssd as a last step. I burnt a disc with default drivers and the latest and made 3 hardware profiles and it didn't go as clean as I intended, but gave good enough answers. On the P3TDe6 I can't remember the magic AGP combo. It ran most of it's life with a 9600XT AIW, and was most stable on the AIW VE-PCI. I remember the slight instability the ADP AIW had, but that and the FX 5200, ATI 9700 and 9800, and the voodoo 5500 all ran better under W2KS than I'm getting now under XP. I think disabling AGP was my answer then. Anyway, the AGP4X setting works with nothing. The voodoo is out since it worked but does not do 1080 or 1200 resolution at common timings it seems and slide shows what the others do smoothly. The 9700 and 5200 did well but I really need to a start clean install and iron out the AGP setting to decide if its AGP is worth it. Both will randomly lock with some video formats and the argus camera feeds active. The argus will not stay in the machine but is one of the old pieces I'm ironing out under xp. The P3TDLE won't boot with it installed btw. It is that PCI/ISA little brother version that is leaning me towards a PCI video option for the e6 AGP board. It also can run one at 66MHz bus speed, it has, and the DLE is proving supurb. With it's dual passive 7000 series PCI video it runs solid and does everything good enough. I like the dual card behavior in that it powers down the second screen when nthing is on it. Dual head doesn't do that. It is smooth with all the video (H.264 included) in MPC and a few editors, captures video, TV works, preinstalled wifi/wan identifies 7 adapters and its higher power pci version and a 4G dongle and my phone, all work first plug right out of the bx - no extra installing of anything. These are for two different places, so the hint I'm getting is to splurg on a 5450 PCI and try it under XP at 66 MHz and disable the AGP on the P3TDe6. While I did my test fully loaded with 7 cards, as I said the camera card won't be in there, the sata stays in one of the two 64/66 slots, the gigabit PCIX can move to a 64/33 slot and as I understand with the HDMI I might not even need a sound card? One thing I don't know is if the IDE should even be enabled. I don't think this has the same issues as the LE board, and am using an IDE with a 50 pin scsi adapter. It loaded XP fine and then burnt a revision and loaded it fine.

That voodoo can go back into the P6SBM to hibernate for a few more years...

I used to know what I was doing...

Reply 5 of 6, by CwF

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Oh ya, on disabling the onboard IDE, I'm wondering since with my install forced to ACPI multi HAL and the bios set to aware, even setup hangs on reboots, the finished install won't shut down, and the post screen list some 15 devices all on IRQ 11, that would be the AGP also, and maybe not good. Once again, I can't remember the details but with W2K I maybe used APM and not aware in the bios? A little to sort out...

I used to know what I was doing...

Reply 6 of 6, by CwF

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Alright I'm done. The P3TDLE is finalized with its 66MHz dual 7000 series ATI PCI cards and will make do with the promise ATA. And the P6TDe6 finally passed with a card shuffle and its NV 5200 on AGP2X, without fast writes, with back to back and Gart enabled. Both play and edit all codecs I come across smoothly and run EFILive smoothly. So they stay, and I spent no money! Now I can start on 2 more, a more modern everything gamer and a BX/Voodoo retro. Till next time...
I still would like to see how a 5450 PCI would do, but I don't need it...

I used to know what I was doing...