Old S478 based office PC

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First post, by northernosprey02

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Just three days ago, I got the old PC which formerly used on my mom's PC. I am actually I want to get HP Vectra VL Pentium 1 PC, but unfortunately it was junked away and I through it was recycled for newer component 🙁

Here's the picture:



Actually it was OEM PC, Zyrex the local OEM PC brand. It has MSI 845GLM mobo which using DDR RAM and lack of AGP port (so I will using PCI based video card). And it has Intel Celeron Willamette 1.7 GHz which it has poor performance so I should upgrade the CPU (strangely the 2003 PC was using Willamette while Northwood was available at that time *facepalm*), it has no RAM and PSU (see the picture), the HDD (Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ) has some office data making me worry to formatting them so I replacing the HDD to Samsung SpinPoint 40GB, and it has LG 52x CD-ROM that I will keep them.

So, I will upgrade this PC to make it usable. And this is small list for upgrade:

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.53 GHz (533FSB)
If you think 845GL only support 400FSB, look at the link:

RAM: 512MB, 1GB, or 2GB DDR RAM?
I doubt about Windows 98 >512MB RAM compatibility, so it is okay I using 1GB or 2GB RAM? And is Windows 98 support Ramdisk?

Video Card: Inno3D GeForce FX5500 PCI (ready stock) or GeForce 6200 PCI

HDD: Samsung SpinPoint 40GB (already own this)

Sound Card: Keep to onboard, SB Live!, or SB Audigy Value?

OS: Windows 98, Windows XP, or dual boot.

PSU: Awaiting for that.

So give me consideration about this upgrade, so my newer collection will looks very good.

Reply 2 of 19, by northernosprey02

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Anonymous Coward wrote:

Kill it with fire.


Reply 4 of 19, by sgt76

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đŸ€Ł they are!

I'd salvage the case though, looks interesting.

Reply 5 of 19, by zstandig

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I don't know what you want to use it for, retro gaming wouldn't work very well as far as I know.

The best CPU for s478 is a 3.2 ghz P4 Extreme Edition, it's what I'm using right now actually.
RAM, I can't tell what the max is, with 2 slots my guess is 1GB with 512MB each
HDD, I can't tell if SATA is there or not, I use a 10,000rpm velociraptor on mine.
As far as sound any dedicated card is usually better than on board.
OS would have to be XP, I don't even know if it would work with 98
GPU you can get a zotac made geforce gt 610 if you want just to say you did*
PSU would need enough wattage to work with it though.

*may not work all that well, I have a zotac gt 430?, and it wouldn't install properly in a dell have.

Reply 6 of 19, by ProfessorProfessorson

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Be aware some of those OEM pci only based socket 478B boards will have issues with Windows 98/Me after the install is finalized and Windows loads for the first time. They run into a issue regarding the ide channels, and will make it where only the hard drive works. This will force you to use a pci IDE card to get an install functioning in some useable manner.

Reply 7 of 19, by luckybob

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wash and keep the case, set the rest on fire. is possible take a video of it.

But seriously. I keep socket 478 p4's. but only fastest in the socket. i.e. fastest 800mhz, 533, 400 etc. the rest are immediately tossed in the scrap box. I don't even check to see if they work.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 8 of 19, by northernosprey02

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ProfessorProfessorson wrote:

Be aware some of those OEM pci only based socket 478B boards will have issues with Windows 98/Me after the install is finalized and Windows loads for the first time. They run into a issue regarding the ide channels, and will make it where only the hard drive works. This will force you to use a pci IDE card to get an install functioning in some useable manner.

Is not this mobo manufactured by MSI?

Reply 9 of 19, by ProfessorProfessorson

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northernosprey02 wrote:
ProfessorProfessorson wrote:

Be aware some of those OEM pci only based socket 478B boards will have issues with Windows 98/Me after the install is finalized and Windows loads for the first time. They run into a issue regarding the ide channels, and will make it where only the hard drive works. This will force you to use a pci IDE card to get an install functioning in some useable manner.

Is not this mobo manufactured by MSI?

More then one company supplied the OEM boards, and even then, the problem may not be related to just OEM boards. Either way, you will know if its going to be a issue or not for you when you do the install.

Reply 10 of 19, by northernosprey02

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Can you help me to choose a good component for upgrade?

Reply 11 of 19, by ProfessorProfessorson

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Its not so much a matter of upgrading, as it is downgrading. If you mainly plan to use Win 98 I would track down a board that can work with it well. Research the board, but its basically a given that most any Socket A board will work fine, as will any Socket 370, Slot 1, and Slot A. Personally, if you can get the motherboard to run in Windows 98 ok as is, I would not bother buying a Pci video card. The Intel Extreme Graphics runs a fairly good amount of games rather well from DX 7 and prior, so if you have not bought a card yet, try the onboard video first and see if it can suit your game needs.

Reply 12 of 19, by gerwin

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This case contains exactly the opposite of what you hope for, when opening it. The only plus is that the chipset is not made by VIA.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 13 of 19, by northernosprey02

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gerwin wrote:

This case contains exactly the opposite of what you hope for, when opening it. The only plus is that the chipset is not made by VIA.

What's wrong with VIA chipset?

For sound card, my choice is SB Live! 5.1 or SB Audigy Value. Which is better?

Last edited by northernosprey02 on 2013-03-07, 14:29. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 14 of 19, by gerwin

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VIA: That they specify support for a certain new feature, but their implementation is usually bugged and/or slow in the first revisions. In regard to AGP, USB, IDE, RAM, Power saving.
That is just my opinion...

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 15 of 19, by Anonymous Coward

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First revision....and second revision....and third revision............

Did they ever get PCI bus mastering working?

"Will the highways on the internets become more few?" -Gee Dubya
V'Ger XT|Upgraded AT|Ultimate 386|Super VL/EISA 486|SMP VL/EISA Pentium

Reply 16 of 19, by northernosprey02

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I'm back at VOGONS!

I just got 1GB memory module from my friend also IBM ThinkCentre S478 mobo and Pentium 4 2.8 Northwood, I install the memory module on my old Celery PC and it's still work like a champ.

I install Windows 98 with some obstacle, but after I install all driver it was got BSOD. I believe the IGP driver screwing arround, how to fix that crap?

Reply 17 of 19, by luckybob

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northernosprey02 wrote:

I'm back at VOGONS!

I just got 1GB memory module from my friend also IBM ThinkCentre S478 mobo and Pentium 4 2.8 Northwood, I install the memory module on my old Celery PC and it's still work like a champ.

I install Windows 98 with some obstacle, but after I install all driver it was got BSOD. I believe the IGP driver screwing arround, how to fix that crap?

go back to windows XP. more than 1gb of ram is too much for 98 to handle. (not without mods and whatnot)

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 18 of 19, by northernosprey02

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I just updating the BIOS however when I install P4 2.8 GHz 533 it was doesn't boot. However when I saw it on MSI website it support 533FSB processor even in 845GL which doesn't support it. Is the official CPU support was just a lie or what?

I also benchmark them with 3DMark 2001SE, but it only got horribly low points (approx 1500). I want to benchmark them with 3DMark 99MAX, but it doesn't run because it was needing DX 6.1 (but WinXP has latest version, what the hell is it?)

Some games works perfectly however it was render poorly (such blurry texture). I have playing Age Of Empires II but sound played sluggish, running SimCity 4 was run sluggish (but not so much) and probably it gave me an video driver crash and it make the desktop run to 16 color (crappy)

I am currently using it for temporary, because my PC broken down. I have to build new one after final exam next 2 week.

Reply 19 of 19, by northernosprey02

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Just founding P4 2.0A somewhere in my house. But much pin are bended, so I repair it from last night. After I repair them, it's working! Yay!!! 😁

And I have ASRock G PRO S478 mobo which it has SiS 650 chipset, but not sure if it working properly because it won't boot.