DOSBox lan with non DOSBox pc

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First post, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie

Hi all!

Is it possible to play lan with one pc what have dosbox and one what use games without dosbox?

Reply 1 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie

Not possible?:(

Reply 2 of 29, by Vince.Bloodworks

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Rank Newbie

Hey Philip00,
it is possible! You can play lan with one PC using DOSBox and the other without using DOSBox.
You need the DOSBox MegaBuild.
Follow this link for the MegaBuild: http://home.arcor.de/h-a-l-9000/
And you'll also need winpcap: http://www.winpcap.org/

Hope that'll help you! 😀

Reply 3 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
Vince.Bloodworks wrote:
Hey Philip00, it is possible! You can play lan with one PC using DOSBox and the other without using DOSBox. You need the DOSBox […]
Show full quote

Hey Philip00,
it is possible! You can play lan with one PC using DOSBox and the other without using DOSBox.
You need the DOSBox MegaBuild.
Follow this link for the MegaBuild: http://home.arcor.de/h-a-l-9000/
And you'll also need winpcap: http://www.winpcap.org/

Hope that'll help you! 😀

Ahh man thanks for quick answer. I have one pc win xp with dosbox and other win98 without dosbox. I connect them via corsslink cable and make setups. I also have megabuild V6.
I have some question:
-I have to install wincap for both system?
-What i do wrong, because i want to play gp2 lan(i did it with 2 winxp with 2 dosbox already) but now they don't finde ach other. I think the problem is in win98 computer. When i start i have message can't find ipx driver(i start via ms dos commander). What i have to do to connnect to my winxp dosbox computer?

Reply 4 of 29, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++

You only need to install WinPcap on your XP system.

Don't forget to have the IPX protocol installed on the Win98 computer, preferably with NetBIOS enabled. You don't have to install IPX on XP. The NE2000 DOS drivers through the IPX Passthrough DOSBox Megabuild will take care of that stuff (per instructions).

On the Win9x machine try removing the IPX protocol and adding it again to restart the driver install process.

long live PCem

Reply 5 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
leileilol wrote:

You only need to install WinPcap on your XP system.

Don't forget to have the IPX protocol installed on the Win98 computer, preferably with NetBIOS enabled. You don't have to install IPX on XP. The NE2000 DOS drivers through the IPX Passthrough DOSBox Megabuild will take care of that stuff (per instructions).

On the Win9x machine try removing the IPX protocol and adding it again to restart the driver install process.

Thanks for answer man, i just have 2 question for you(maybe im noobXD)

1. in win98 machine how i remove ipx protol? in network properties?
2. How can i enable netbios?

Reply 6 of 29, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++

1. Network Neightborhood properties
2. IPX properties should have a checkbox for it

long live PCem

Reply 7 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
leileilol wrote:

1. Network Neightborhood properties
2. IPX properties should have a checkbox for it

Thnaks man i try it and i write here the result:))

Reply 8 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
Philip00 wrote:
leileilol wrote:

1. Network Neightborhood properties
2. IPX properties should have a checkbox for it

Thnaks man i try it and i write here the result:))

NEWS: with your help develop:) the Win98 machine in game also try to find machine, good:)
But somewhat they don't find each other, maybe i do something wrong in win 98 -win xp lan?( cinnect via cross cabel, tcp/ip winxp: ( Win98( i install file and print share

What is the orpblem

EDIT: now the 2 machine find each other i can share files etc... . Now only when i want to play via dosbocx in winxp machine don't find each other. Maybe i do something wrong? when i start dosbox i type ipxnet startserver. What else have to do to find each other?

Reply 9 of 29, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++

For IPX passthrough, you do not use IPXNET, but LSL / NE2000./ IPXODI. hal-9000's site should have downloads for that

long live PCem

Reply 10 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
leileilol wrote:

For IPX passthrough, you do not use IPXNET, but LSL / NE2000./ IPXODI. hal-9000's site should have downloads for that

All or just one of these?

EDIT: i try to use all but when i want to use NE2000 always said: The board cannot be found

now what? 🙁

Reply 12 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
Dominus wrote:

I just fixed the subject line (Dsobox vs DOSBox)

Thamks but you can't help me?

Reply 14 of 29, by Vince.Bloodworks

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Rank Newbie

Hey Philip00,

that worked for me(DOSBox MegaBuild and winpcap were installed):

DOSBox(Win XP):
Start your DOSBox. Run the NE2000 DOS drivers in this order
- NE2000.COM

and that's all about that. Winpcap has to be active but when you installed it properly, I think it should run at startup of XP 😀 ..

Windows 98:
Make sure the IPX protocol is installed. If not, just install the Microsoft standard IPX/SPX protocol.
And that's all!

I hope I didn't forget anything by now 🤣
If I do so just visit http://home.arcor.de/h-a-l-9000/ again and refer to the section

NE2000 passthrough patch for DOSBox

. There should be anything you have to know about IPX passthrough.

Vince 😀

PS: I'm sorry for my bad english if it's that bad 🤣

Reply 15 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
Vince.Bloodworks wrote:
Hey Philip00, […]
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Hey Philip00,

that worked for me(DOSBox MegaBuild and winpcap were installed):

DOSBox(Win XP):
Start your DOSBox. Run the NE2000 DOS drivers in this order
- NE2000.COM

and that's all about that. Winpcap has to be active but when you installed it properly, I think it should run at startup of XP 😀 ..

Windows 98:
Make sure the IPX protocol is installed. If not, just install the Microsoft standard IPX/SPX protocol.
And that's all!

I hope I didn't forget anything by now 🤣
If I do so just visit http://home.arcor.de/h-a-l-9000/ again and refer to the section

NE2000 passthrough patch for DOSBox

. There should be anything you have to know about IPX passthrough.

Vince 😀

PS: I'm sorry for my bad english if it's that bad 🤣

Vince your english i can understand without problem:)

So i have to download NE2000 passthrough patch for DOSBox.diff but the download page not working:(

Reply 16 of 29, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

No, you need the megabuild of dosbox and you have to install something from that page to get the ne2000 thing working

Dit: you need to install winpcap http://www.winpcap.org to make it work and you need the megabuild or yhkwongs build probably

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 17 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie

I alredy installed winpcap and dosbox megabuild v6, but NE2000 not recognize my ethernet card:(

Reply 18 of 29, by Vince.Bloodworks

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Rank Newbie

Hey Philip00,

what does your configuration file says?
Check the following section and make sure you set all the correct values:

[ne2000] # ne2000: Enable Ethernet passthrough. Requires [Win]Pcap. # nicbase: The base address of the NE2000 board. # nicirq: […]
Show full quote

# ne2000: Enable Ethernet passthrough. Requires [Win]Pcap.
# nicbase: The base address of the NE2000 board.
# nicirq: The interrupt it uses. Note serial2 uses IRQ3 as default.
# macaddr: The physical address the emulator will use on your network.
# If you have multiple DOSBoxes running on your network,
# this has to be changed for each. AC:DE:48 is an address range reserved for
# private use, so modify the last three number blocks.
# I.e. AC:DE:48:88:99:AB.
# realnic: Specifies which of your network interfaces is used.
# Write 'list' here to see the list of devices in the
# Status Window. Then make your choice and put either the
# interface number (2 or something) or a part of your adapters
# name, e.g. VIA here.


(e.g. that's the section out of my configuration file)

Reply 19 of 29, by Philip00

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Rank Newbie
Vince.Bloodworks wrote:
Hey Philip00, […]
Show full quote

Hey Philip00,

what does your configuration file says?
Check the following section and make sure you set all the correct values:

[ne2000] # ne2000: Enable Ethernet passthrough. Requires [Win]Pcap. # nicbase: The base address of the NE2000 board. # nicirq: […]
Show full quote

# ne2000: Enable Ethernet passthrough. Requires [Win]Pcap.
# nicbase: The base address of the NE2000 board.
# nicirq: The interrupt it uses. Note serial2 uses IRQ3 as default.
# macaddr: The physical address the emulator will use on your network.
# If you have multiple DOSBoxes running on your network,
# this has to be changed for each. AC:DE:48 is an address range reserved for
# private use, so modify the last three number blocks.
# I.e. AC:DE:48:88:99:AB.
# realnic: Specifies which of your network interfaces is used.
# Write 'list' here to see the list of devices in the
# Status Window. Then make your choice and put either the
# interface number (2 or something) or a part of your adapters
# name, e.g. VIA here.


(e.g. that's the section out of my configuration file)

Man!! you are a god!! THANK YOU! now works!!
MILLION THANKS! im happy perspn now:)