First post, by maximus

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I have a Viewsonic VG150 LCD which, for some reason, seems to sync 75 Hz better than 60 Hz. Unfortunately, Windows 98 detects it as a generic monitor and won't let me go beyond 60 Hz. Installing Viewsonic monitor drivers doesn't help.

On Windows XP, the catch-all solution to this kind of problem is a utility called RefreshForce. Is there any equivalent tool for Windows 98? I'm currently at the mercy of my display drivers. Some allow refresh rate tweaking, some don't.

I mention RefreshForce only as an example. When I use this monitor with Windows XP, I'm actually able to select any fresh rate from Display -> Settings -> Advanced -> Adapter. Only with Windows 98 is the refresh rate locked at 60 Hz.


Reply 1 of 3, by elianda

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Rank l33t

Use Powerstrip.

Or generate a Monitor.inf with powerstrip that allows only 75 Hz+.

Or take an existing inf file for a monitor, open it with the editor and change the minimum refresh allowed from 60 to 75 Hz.
Then install this monitor.

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Reply 3 of 3, by maximus

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Thank you, I shall try both.
