First post, by GabeCube

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Now, I hope I am not overstepping any boundaries, because this is not a huge issue, but I recently started replaying the old Sierra AGI games like King's Quest III and Space Quest I, and to me fullscreen was always the way to go. However, something is really bothering me.

However, since when you pop up the inventory with TAB, the screen changed resolution into a text mode. When you are in fullscreen, the effect is quite jarring, because you can literally see a window showing up as the resolution/video mode changes. Not only that, but it seems to take much longer than I remember playing back on my 286.

Is there anything I can do to make this transition smoother on fullscreen?

Thanks everyone for the attention.

Reply 1 of 6, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

Change the output device in the options file of DOSBox.
Which Operating System are you using, as I recently heard some reports that mode switching was really slow on windows 8.x.

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Reply 2 of 6, by Mau1wurf1977

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GabeCube wrote:
Now, I hope I am not overstepping any boundaries, because this is not a huge issue, but I recently started replaying the old Sie […]
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Now, I hope I am not overstepping any boundaries, because this is not a huge issue, but I recently started replaying the old Sierra AGI games like King's Quest III and Space Quest I, and to me fullscreen was always the way to go. However, something is really bothering me.

However, since when you pop up the inventory with TAB, the screen changed resolution into a text mode. When you are in fullscreen, the effect is quite jarring, because you can literally see a window showing up as the resolution/video mode changes. Not only that, but it seems to take much longer than I remember playing back on my 286.

Is there anything I can do to make this transition smoother on fullscreen?

Thanks everyone for the attention.

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Reply 3 of 6, by GabeCube

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Rank Newbie

Yeah, I am using Windows 8.1, maybe that was the reason - I could swear it wasn't this bad before.

I am currently using the openglnb output. I tried enabling double buffering and increasing DosBox priority both in and out of focus to Highest and it at least FEELS a tiny bit faster, but still very jarring.

I will keep tinkering here, but if anyone has any ideas, they will be more than welcome.

Reply 4 of 6, by ripsaw8080

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DOSBox Author

One reason for the transition between graphics and text modes being less than smooth might be DOSBox changing the size of the output window. The resizing of the output window is unavoidable in official DOSBox because it forces a 1:1 aspect ratio on text modes, but in the Daum SVN build it can be avoided with the machine=tandy setting. You also get the nicer 3-voice music in AGI games with the Tandy machine type.

Reply 5 of 6, by GabeCube

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Rank Newbie

Thanks, Ripsaw, this did indeed fix the weird blinking.

Now, is there any way to use that implementation of Dosbox to run off of D-Fend? I tried instructing D-Fend to get the program from that directory, but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if it's something to do with the GUI that Daum has, but is there a way to have it work from D-Fend?

Edit: actually, it is running the right program, but I told it to add the "machine=tandy" command, yet the issue seems to persist. I will mess around with the settings here a bit and see if I can figure it out.

Edit2: Ah, I feel like a complete idiot. I was adding it as a command, but didn't change the D-Fend option of videocard to Tandy. After I did that, not only did it work, but it also switched to that other sound mode you mentioned. Thank you so very much for the help!

You guys rock! 😀

Reply 6 of 6, by collector

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Rank l33t

Also for the Sierra games you can use the new installers to setup the games in DOSBox. The install allows you to choose the DOSBox you which to use or let it install the official 0.74.

http://sierrahelp.com/Patches-Updates/NewSier … Installers.html

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