Project MPU (bringing MPU-401 BOBs back to life)

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Reply 80 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:06. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 81 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:50. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 82 of 121, by easy_john

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Can you please provide link to thread?

Pentium2 450/256mb/4gb/ati rage 128+voodoo2/SB awe32 8mb+db50xg/GUS PnP 8mb/TB Tropez 2mb
486 DX2-66/32mb/8gb/tseng4000 2mb/SB 16+WB/GUS 1mb/LAPC-I
286 12mhz/4mb/512mb/Vga 1mb/SB 2.0+Covox
PegasosII G4 / Amiga 4000 / Amiga1200 / Amiga 600

Reply 83 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:50. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 84 of 121, by easy_john

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Pentium2 450/256mb/4gb/ati rage 128+voodoo2/SB awe32 8mb+db50xg/GUS PnP 8mb/TB Tropez 2mb
486 DX2-66/32mb/8gb/tseng4000 2mb/SB 16+WB/GUS 1mb/LAPC-I
286 12mhz/4mb/512mb/Vga 1mb/SB 2.0+Covox
PegasosII G4 / Amiga 4000 / Amiga1200 / Amiga 600

Reply 85 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:50. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 86 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 87 of 121, by Stojke

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A little set back, but i am sure you guys will figure it out 😀
Also that Holland clone is a bit lame (lesser components 🙄 ).

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 88 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:50. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 89 of 121, by n1mr0d

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I agree the quality of this replica is less.

You 'know' this based on what? It is obviously better than yours, because this one works.

2) One capacitor instead of 1 for each IC. Bryce's has this.

SMD Capacitors at the rear, 1 decoupling for each IC. Also 2 ferrite beads in conjuction with a 220uF elco for voltage filtering

3) Straight lines versus tracking. Bryce's has this.

You obviously know nothing about PCB design. I've used a topological router, instead of a 45 degree straight angle router. My design only has 2 vias. These are metal plated holes that connect one side of the board to the other.

Last edited by n1mr0d on 2014-07-21, 14:51. Edited 1 time in total.

VooDoo Power Asus CUBX-E 440BX PIII 1.4GHz GF4 Ti 4600 Voodoo2 SLI 12MB SBLive!+Drive SB16 CT2230 + NEC XR385
Nostalgia pc Vtech Laser Slimline DX4-100 16MB Acumos AVGA1 AWE32 CT3980 Roland MPU 401 MT32 SC88

Reply 90 of 121, by archsan

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*looks for popcorn*
*finds potato chips*
*sits down*
*is watching*

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."—Arthur C. Clarke
"No way. Installing the drivers on these things always gives me a headache."—Guybrush Threepwood (on cutting-edge voodoo technology)

Reply 91 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:50. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 92 of 121, by raymangold

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PeterLI wrote:

Of course. In case you have the skill / tools you could always look into building / designing a MIF-IPC-A PCI clone. A MCA version would be even cooler.

It would be very interesting to see what could be done regarding MCA with the few problems I've been able to document (and subsequently still being rather mysterious). It's too bad there doesn't seem to be any other MPU-IMC users that are verbal.
I wasn't even aware that the MPU-IMC existed until I heard a vague statement regarding an MCA 'roland' card.

MCA requires extra logic that would have to be flashed to a ROM, or obtain some of the NOS 'CHIPS' MCA interface PLCC ICs. I haven't been able to find a whole lot of MCA engineering documents as there was never a huge interest in them.

Reply 93 of 121, by Kahenraz

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You need to have an actual Roland MPU-401 to plug into these, right? It just seems as though the scarcity will move to those rather than the cards.

I've always favored the cards with dongles since they have a smaller footprint.

Reply 94 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 95 of 121, by n1mr0d

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MCA: very challenging project.

I found a schematic for sale here:
http://windwardhosting.com/renaissancemusic/w … ay&target=42398

The MPU-IMC has more in common with an IPC-T and MPU-AT than the IPC-(A) cards. The stuff that goes into the breakout box is essentially integrated into the card.

MCA has some fancy bus arbitration that has to be taken into account, like PCI. However, because the IMC has IRQ selected by jumpers it can be forced. What would be the purpose of a PCI based MPU?

VooDoo Power Asus CUBX-E 440BX PIII 1.4GHz GF4 Ti 4600 Voodoo2 SLI 12MB SBLive!+Drive SB16 CT2230 + NEC XR385
Nostalgia pc Vtech Laser Slimline DX4-100 16MB Acumos AVGA1 AWE32 CT3980 Roland MPU 401 MT32 SC88

Reply 96 of 121, by PeterLI

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The MPU-IMC is from the same period as the MPU-IPC(-A). This is a chronology of the intelligent Roland MPU-401s:
Roland MIF-IPC & MPU-401 ist das original fuer PCs in die 80er. 5V. Funktioniert nicht 100% >= 8086/8088 PCs. 1985. Sehr selten.
Roland MIF-IPC-A & MPU-401 war die naechste Version (funktioniert auf alle 5V ISA MOBOs). 198X. Sehr selten
Roland MPU-IPC & BOB: nachfolger des MPU-401s, 100% Kompatibel. 5V. Kein I/O & IRQ auswahl. 1988. Ziemlich selten.
Roland MPU-IPC-T & BOB: nachfolger des MPU-401s, 100% Kompatibel. 5V. I/O & IRQ auswahl. 1989. Relativ verfugbar.
Roland MPU-IMC & BOB: nachfolger des MPU-401s, 100% Kompatibel. MCA. 1989. Sehr selten.
Roland LAPC-I & MCB-1: CM-32L & MPU-IPC-T auf PCB, 100% Kompatibel. 5V. Einfach verfugbar.
Roland SCC-1: SC-55 PCB & MPU-401AT auf PCB, 100% Kompatibel. 5V & 12V. 1991. Einfach verfugbar
Roland MPU-401AT: nachfolger des MPU-401s, 100% Kompatibel. 5V & 12V. 1994. Relativ selten.

LAPC-I: http://media.rolandus.com/manuals/LAPC-1_OM.pdf
MIF-IPC & IPC-A: http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/2013/06/m … te-vintage.html
MPU-401: http://media.rolandus.com/manuals/MPU-401_OM.pdf
MPU-401AT: http://electronicmanualguide.com/roland-mpu-4 … ice-manual.html
MPU-IMC: http://media.rolandus.com/manuals/MPU-IMC_OM.pdf
MPU-IPC: http://www.lajko-hangszer.hu/midi-RolandMPU-IPCmanual.pdf
MPU-IPC-T: http://media.rolandus.com/manuals/MPU-IPC-T_OM.pdf

The MPU-IMC is relatively useless because many games that require intelligent MPU-401 are hard coded for IRQ 2/9 and I/O 330. IBM PS/2s utilize IRQ 2/9 for HDD traffic. 😠

Reply 97 of 121, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 16:51. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 98 of 121, by King_Corduroy

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You know I don't mind paying someone a little extra for a good product, I think as long as you aren't obviously jacking the price WAY up artificially then I'm cool with paying a fee for your time and effort. 😀

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 99 of 121, by PeterLI

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The market sets the price.

Last edited by PeterLI on 2014-08-25, 14:20. Edited 1 time in total.