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First post, by MAKOS2148

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So hi again, i need help with emulation of gravis ultrasound (on DosBox), i tried diffrent sample rate, diffrent patches, both pro and standart, installed by myself and compied from package (Install Gravis Ultrasound Properly, All files, No Errors (With Pictures!)), with SETPROPATS and w/o etc. and everything i got it is (Music from MAP01 of DOOM II): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3V30vlhozPE … dit?usp=sharing (and clip where it sound much, much better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la7ymj94eyk), and Descent setup music (me:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3V30vlhozPE … dit?usp=sharing and YT clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zSh0sPw2Qk. Can someone help me? I really want to get Gravis Working 😢.

PS. If you need, my confg: http://pastebin.com/WxYWG2gU

Reply 1 of 15, by bloodbat

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Rank Oldbie

Try turning off sound blaster...also...are the patches installed in the proper directory? The Gravis install should be within DosBox (i.e if you mount e:\dosgames as c: the folder should be e:\dosgames\ULTRASND)

Reply 3 of 15, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

when u play midi files with the gravis playmidi player, i recommend to run the playmidi player in debug mode

"playmidi -debug"

running the player in debug mode will solve many problems with recent midi files
like, crashes, hangs or these stutters like in your video.

here is a short sample of the doom2 map01 midi file (got the midi from doomworld)
with 1.61 ppl patches it should sound like this:


if u use the dos driver with 1.61 patches from huggybaby
Install Gravis Ultrasound Properly, All files, No Errors (With Pictures!)

i recommend to mount the driver as

because that is the directory in the ultrasnd.ini file (seems huggybaby used e: to install the drivers)
or u could edit the ultrasnd.ini file and change all dircetories
or install the 4.11 driver + 1.61 ppl by yourself.

Reply 6 of 15, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

i tried descent and i have the same audio stutters like u have

i have a theory about this....

we both have audio stutters runing the doom midi file with playmidi in normal mode.
the guy on yt plays playmidi in normale mode too (u see the nice blue screen) and has no audio problems with doom midi file...

i guess there are 2 reasons for it
1. he uses a real gus and not a dosbox one
2. he uses other dosbox setting

with descent we both have the same porblems in dosbox...

with debug mode in playmidi we can solve the problem but for games its a bit more difficult.

may be its a setting in dosbox which will cause it or its a genreal dosbox gus emulation issue

i found another gus problem with inertia mod player (open cubic plays ok)
but this is a differnt problem 😀

i play a bit with dosbox settings and try to fix descent music stutters
when i find a solution i write again

Last edited by K.A.R.R. on 2014-07-29, 19:26. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 7 of 15, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie


faster than i expected

the ppl 1.61 patches seems to be incompatible with games !
when i use 4.11 driver ( dont forget to mount them as c: not as e: because huggybaby 4.11 drivers are installed on c:)
there are NO audio stutters with descent !

there are 2 reasons

1st the ppl 1.61 patches are really incompatible with games and cause problems (with playmidi too)
2nd huggybaby''s 1.61 "ready to use drivers" contains some errors

when i tried to use gus in win 3.11 4.11 drivers worked 1.61 not.....

i will patch 1.61 on my own and test if it will sill cause stutters or not
i report again when i am finished testing

Last edited by K.A.R.R. on 2014-07-29, 19:50. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 9 of 15, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie


i found the reason 😀
well i did not find it myself but i've found a link here in the forum 🤣

3 of the ppl 1.61 patches contain a looping bug !
and the user Tsyu uploaded a fixed version without looping

Install Gravis Ultrasound Properly, All files, No Errors (With Pictures!)

so to fix the audio stutters
use huggybaby's 1.61 drivers and replace the 3 pat files in the midi folder with the 3 files from Tsyu

playmidi and games should now work perfect with 1.61 🤣

(for some recent midi files debug mode for playmidi is still required to fix crashes)

here a sample midi
this is how a 2014 midi file will sound with a card over 20 years old

no tyros 5 quality but not bad for an old card 😎

Last edited by K.A.R.R. on 2014-07-29, 20:43. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 11 of 15, by MAKOS2148

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Rank Newbie

So yea, this fix alot, only one thing more, i see you little expirenced with GUS so you can tell me if i can fix the instruments on the descent setup music what apperar on the YT cip in 10 secound and in my clip in 18 secound to sound like in the YT or it matter of emulation of GUS?

Reply 12 of 15, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

the guy in the yt video used a real gus max and not the gus classic in dosbox
not sure if the gus max had other patches

but i guess he used another midi file for the video and not the same file from descent setup
i have another test midi file with my shareware descent version compared to yours
+ text on top of the setup screen is different
my text:
Descent Setup (v1.4) Copyright(c) 1994 Parallax Software Corp.

here is the sound of my test file
(the small sound crackles are from dosbox recording, without recording sound is clear)


Reply 13 of 15, by MAKOS2148

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Rank Newbie

I downloaded the Shareware, and it sound similar to yours so seems to work ok, anyway atleast i got sound similar to standart GUS, but i should really get the retro-pc and stop depending on the Dosbox. Anyway thx for help

Reply 14 of 15, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

a real gus is expansive these days
i saw 2 gus pnp on ebay us for about 200 bugs

i guess the capacitors need to be replaced too after nearly 20 years...

i had a pnp myself but never used it (for games it was not the best card...)
i used a terratec maestro 32/96 instead
and after some years with my gus pnp unused in the cupboard
i gave it to a friend.

was 15 years ago i guess
may be i should call him and ask if he still has the gus 😀

Reply 15 of 15, by MAKOS2148

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Rank Newbie

I saw them too and i am little bit disappointed, but in the archive of local site like ebay i see the MAX (2.1) version with some extra memory for ~12$ + 5$ postage which is pretty nice bargain. Until i get some money i will have fun with GUS in Dosbox 😀

PS. And the GUS from the auction seems working, he said that also in the description