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Reply 260 of 782, by rgart

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Recently finished the new Tomb Raider and thoroughly enjoyed it. Replayed and completed Starcraft II and Heart of the Swarm on Hard, finished The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

=My Cyrix 5x86 systems : 120MHz vs 133MHz=. =My 486DX2-66MHz=

Reply 261 of 782, by Soupdragon

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BioShock Infinite on medium skill, I really enjoyed it. The game looks amazing and plays almost as good as it looks (once I found out how to turn the aim assists off). On the down side I wasn't crazy about last battle and the ending.

Steam | World of Warcraft

Reply 263 of 782, by DosFreak

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Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5

Currently playing Diablo 3 and the expansion.

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Reply 264 of 782, by bushwack

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DosFreak wrote:

Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5

Currently playing Diablo 3 and the expansion.

I hear the game is actually worth playing now that they have released the expansion. Good timing DosFreak.

Reply 265 of 782, by DosFreak

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Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls expansion

Not going to bother with Adventurer's Mode. Replaying the same maps over again is tedious.

The game is worth playing but Diablo is Diablo and on Normal difficulty it's so easy it may as well play itself.

This is likely intentional to get more people to play but I'd expect normal to be somewhat difficult and involve some strategy. Nope.

I've always liked Diablo 1 more than 2 and 3 is no different.

Probably going to load up The Hell for Diablo 1 eventually once my hand recovers.

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Reply 266 of 782, by Soupdragon

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Borderlands 2 first play though as the commando Axton. I found this very similar to the first game. I started to get little bored towards the end as the game is so repetitive and the story isn't great. I am not in a hurry to check out the upcoming prequel anymore.

Steam | World of Warcraft

Reply 267 of 782, by Soupdragon

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Just finished Mirror's Edge I really enjoyed its stylish visuals and fluid game-play. I wasn’t so keen on its poor quality cut scenes, clichéd story and lacking combat system. But they don’t detract too much from the main game-play. I look forward to the sequel.

Reply 268 of 782, by Soupdragon

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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. I really enjoyed this mystery adventure game. The graphics and music create an immersive foreboding atmosphere and the story is compelling. The Puzzles are not very hard and the game is quite short but it was still a memorable experience. A great game to play this time of year. I can imagine this would look great with an Oculus Rift headset.

Reply 269 of 782, by Liqu1d82

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Alien Carnage aka Halloween Harry on FreeDOS machine!

Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.
http://liqu1d82.tumblr.com [My Tumblr] // https://twitter.com/Liqu1d82 [My Twitter]

Reply 270 of 782, by Soupdragon

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Crysis Warhead on normal skill. Pretty much a stand alone expansion to the first game. Just like Crysis battling the soldiers is fun & battling the aliens not so much. The graphics still look great but the cut scenes are overly dramatic and can drag on. The game-play is a little more linear this time but the Nanosuit still feels great.

Reply 271 of 782, by Soupdragon

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Doom II: Hell on Earth on hurt me plenty difficulty. I ran this via chocolate doom with a real sound canvas for music. This sequel takes the original game and tweaks it to perfection. I am reading the book Masters of Doom and its made me appreciate the game even more.

Reply 272 of 782, by bushwack

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Soupdragon wrote:

Doom II: Hell on Earth on hurt me plenty difficulty. I ran this via chocolate doom with a real sound canvas for music. This sequel takes the original game and tweaks it to perfection. I am reading the book Masters of Doom and its made me appreciate the game even more.

I read Masters of Doom when it was released. Wow, cant believe it's been 10 years already.
I thought it was a pretty cool read and I'm sure 90% of folks here would like it too.

Reply 273 of 782, by DosFreak

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Alien Isolation
Crew Expendable DLC
Last Survivor DLC

19.7 hours total

Game only crashed once (while loading a movie one time) and also switching back and forth between two areas it would take 1+ minute to load for some reason.

Game is pretty authentic to the Alien universe.

If you want to feel even more scared in the game don't use the flamethrower but in some situations the Alien will not leave the area so you'll have to.

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Reply 276 of 782, by Soupdragon

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On Halloween I re watched the first two Alien films in a double bill at my local multiplex. I enjoyed them a lot, this inspired me to play a game in the franchise. I would have played Alien: Isolation but I am waiting for a price drop (with luck the steam Christmas sale).

So I played through Aliens: Colonial Marines as I bought it awhile back for a low price and hadn’t touched it due to the poor reviews. I should have trusted the reviews it was not good. I think the only things it did correct were the locations and sound effects, everything else about the game was poor. The last level/boss fight has to be the worst most anticlimactic abrupt ending to a game I have ever experienced.

Steam | World of Warcraft

Reply 277 of 782, by ahendricks18

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The last game I beat was a long time ago. I usually play a game for a while and stop when it gets boring, bur some games never get old!

Main: AMD FX 6300 six core 3.5ghz (OC 4ghz)
16gb DDR3, Nvidia Geforce GT740 4gb Gfx card, running Win7 Ultimate x64
Linux: AMD Athlon 64 4000+, 1.5GB DDR, Nvidia Quadro FX1700 running Debian Jessie 8.4.0

Reply 278 of 782, by DosFreak

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Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
27 hours

Still a couple of side missions left but I'm done.

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