Bought these games today

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Reply 680 of 2042, by King_Corduroy

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I normally wouldn't buy from Ebay either but I got it into my head that I should look for a copy of Terracide (another interesting game that never caught on in the USA) that is complete in the box since prior to buying this all I had was my original (very beaten) CD from the 90's.
I don't know how I had so many of these games as a kid but it seems most of the games I really loved are pretty obscure and not at all common to find in the USA for a decent price. (games such as: Earth 2140, Vangers, Terracide, Incoming, Moto Racer, POD, 7 Kingdoms : Ancient Adversaries, and WarBirds)

So when I saw a boxed copy for sale in the USA for 15$ I jumped on it. 🤣 Perhaps I should have waited but I really think if I had let it go I might not have gotten a copy.

SimCity 2000 CD Edition is kind of the same thing, it's the version I had as a kid and it seems to be harder to find complete in box than any of the other versions. So I got sick of waiting and just bought it after I realized I had lost my original disc. (I found it the day before the package arrived. 🤣)

Besides, it's been pretty slim pickings lately. 😒 I hope the ebay people haven't started really raiding the games, I used to see cool stuff there from time to time.

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 681 of 2042, by retrofanatic

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I don't blame you.it sounds like you really like those particular games so I would say it's totally worth it ..
I don't think I've ever played Terracide...sounds like a pretty cool game....

I just have to say that I didn't mean there's anything wrong with buying from ebay. ..I was just saying that the prices seem to be considerably higher than what I ember paying a couple years ago (and of course availability of older boxed games seems to be going down as well)....I think I mentioned on another topic that I think that game collecting has grown exponentially in the last few years...it's getting crazy...I used to find copies of sim city like the one you got there at almost every thrift store I would visit but now it's getting much more rare to find any boxed game at all. Now I pretty much buy any big box classic pc ge I find.

Being hard to find games may be a blessing in disguise though because I am running out of space to put big boxed games very quickly 🤣...but that hasn't stopped me from still hunting for bargains on boxed pc games. I am always on the lookout for games because I figure if I have to get rid of any of them in the near future I could just sell them for a bit more than I got them for and make a bit of a profit for the most part.

Reply 682 of 2042, by AlphaWing

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Kinda like that for me with obscure games that never caught on.
I have tons of tons of obscure games thanks to places like Menards, and Biglots (places you don't expect PC games) which they got dumped to.
Whats hilarous as a KID I remember Menards offered rebates on these games. They sold them for 6$ the rebate was freaking 5$
While it took nearly a month to get the money back via snail mail it was worth it.
I bought tons of slightly old and obscure for the time PC games from them when I was a kid.
If I had every box I could build a house out them 🤣 .
Its just so hard to keep those boxes once your collection reaches a certain size, you got to pick and choose.

Reply 684 of 2042, by King_Corduroy

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Went to the Goodwill again and WOW walked away with quite a few games, there are actually still more there too so I'll probably go back tomorrow and pick over it again.


I got the Turbo GraFX games for 99 cents ea and the boxed games for 2$ ea.

The copy of MYST III there had a copy of MYST in it as well with the MYST strategy guide AND the map shoved into the strategy guide. 😁

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 685 of 2042, by Hudson187

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TB16 games! Wow -- nice haul from the Will... slim pickens around these parts; mostly PS2 sports games. 🙁


Reply 687 of 2042, by tincup

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I like the DSOTM prima Guide - cool.

Reply 688 of 2042, by King_Corduroy

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Just scored these from goodwill yesterday!



Paid 3$ for that complete boxed Warcraft 2 copy and 2$ for the Ultimate Edition SimCity 2000. I also got that SATA to PATA adapter for 50 cents and a copy of Falcon 4.0 for 99 cents but didn't bother taking a picture of that since it's just a jewel case.

Check me out at Transcendental Airwaves on Youtube! Fast-food sucks!

Reply 689 of 2042, by SpeedySPCFan

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Bought MechWarrior 4 Black Knight CiB for $3.59 on eBay a few days ago, and a few minutes ago, won MechWarrior 2 + Ghost Bears Legacy (Sealed) + Mercenaries (Sealed), all in their boxes, on a bid for $5.25 on eBay. Is good day.

Musician & music gear/game reviewer.

MIDI hardware: JD-990, SC-55, SC-880, SD-90, VL70-m, Motif ES, Trinity, TS-10, Proteus 2000, XK-6, E6400U

Reply 690 of 2042, by sliderider

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Rank l33t++

Just got in the mail, this:


And before anyone says anything about the questionable legality, PCGamer had permission from the original publishers to include these games on the CD. A lot of magazines used to do that across all platforms. Atari ST and Amiga magazines used to do it frequently with games that had outlived their sell by date. Just because the original CD is legal, though, does not mean what Internet Archive is doing with it is legal because they obviously don't have the consent of the publishers to redistribute the games.

There is even a disclaimer on the back of the sleeve:

Warning: Use of the programs on this CD requires acceptance of the terms of each License Agreement on the CD. Do not use these programs without first reading and accepting the terms of the licenses on the CD. All programs are copyrighted and all unauthorized use or duplication may be prosecuted. If in doubt, don't.

Reply 691 of 2042, by tincup

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Haha.. still have my copy - never doubted it was legit. Kept most of the CDs I got with PC Gamer, Computer Gaming World, PC Games etc. Mostly they were demos, patches and utilities but from time to time they'd toss in a full copy of an older game with pubs consent. Red Baron 1 comes to mind.

Reply 692 of 2042, by sliderider

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Yeah, this is probably the only way I'll ever afford some of those games. Secret of Monkey Island and the first Ultima are ridiculously priced.

Reply 693 of 2042, by jwt27

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Not sure if this counts.

Reply 694 of 2042, by Bullmecha

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SpeedySPCFan wrote:

Bought MechWarrior 4 Black Knight CiB for $3.59 on eBay a few days ago, and a few minutes ago, won MechWarrior 2 + Ghost Bears Legacy (Sealed) + Mercenaries (Sealed), all in their boxes, on a bid for $5.25 on eBay. Is good day.

I have alot of those Mechwarrior games from when they were new I think. Wish the servers for MW3 were still running somewhere, had an epic time with that game.

Have a shipment coming in the next few days of games I got. Will post when they arrive.

Just a guy with a bad tinkering habit.
i5 6600k Main Rig
too many to list old school rigs

Reply 695 of 2042, by b_rros

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Finally! 😀


Right on time to test on my new 'old' machine.

Reply 696 of 2042, by badmojo

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Rank l33t

^ What a great game!

That's on the short stuff

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 697 of 2042, by carlostex

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b_rros wrote:

Finally! 😀

Right on time to test on my new 'old' machine.

Good to see a fellow countryman doing his share of collecting! Great game.

Reply 698 of 2042, by sf78

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First pic was 35e shipped (local collector). The second was 10e from a flea market. 😎

Reply 699 of 2042, by b_rros

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Back in the day I was more a "No doubt about it! That's deep in the sand trap!" kind of guy 😀
But Links is waaaaaaay better than World Class Leader Board.

And I do have a few games, but living in Portugal with all the good stuff on the other side of the ocean is kind of sad 🙁 I payed $10 for the game and almost $20 for shipping, but I'm really happy with it, I already installed it and played a few holes last night 😀