Beside the good old ones(Doom, Heretic, Blood,...), here are some games I'm currently playing(LAN):
-Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 + 2*
-Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
-Rise and Fall
-Titan Quest + Immortal Throne(Really enjoying this one)
*Vegas 2 only supports 2 players in Storymode. Vegas 1 supports up to 4 players in Storymode.
There are 2x LAN-Party(4 Players) coming up in the next 2 - 3 months. The first one is going to be oldschool, so we're going to play these games:
-Quake III Arena(standard maps - FFA)
-Blood(standard maps - Bloodbath or DeathWish - Cooperativ)
-Quake(standard maps - Deathmatch and/or one of the mission packs - Cooperative)
-DOOM(Some selfmade maps(at least one Episode) - Deathmatch(alternative or old dm))
-Heretic: SOTSR(pretty sure about 'skill 5' and 'respawn'.. funny part: Dome of D'Sparil 🤣 )
-DOOM II(Can't wait for this one: Hell Revealed + Hell Revealed 2 - Cooperativ)
-Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic[Not sure by now]
-Jazz Jackrabbit 2[Not sure either but would be funny 🤣 . Have to check out Jazz+ or what it's called]
I set up some nice old PCs for this one and can't wait to get into it *.*
For the second LAN, we're going to play this:
-Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
-Diablo[not totally sure about this one by now..]
-Diablo II: LOD(Hardcore chars)[Not sure]
-Age of Empires 2: The Forgotten Empires(FFA or 2 vs 2)
-Rise and Fall(probably teamed up together vs AI because 2 out of 4 don't know the game ^^)
-Midtown Madness[Not sure]
-Age of Empires 3[Not sure(I hope not... xD)]
-Lamentation Sword[Not sure]
I hope you'll be fine during whatever you're going to do and all set up with some enjoyable games to kill some time. 😀