DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1160 of 2099, by LewisWoolridge

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Rank Newbie

I am using DBGL 0.79 on OSX 10.11.1 and I am trying to use Ykhwong's Daum build from within DBGL.

I am using the 20140127 version of Daum and I am able to launch it from the Terminal with no problems, but from within DBGL, DOSBox immediately crashes when it tries to launch it. The behavior is the same with Dominus' SVN build - works fine from the terminal but crashes when launched from DBGL.

I don't have any trouble with the official .74 DOSBox binary launching from within DBGL.

I don't know if it is relevant or not, but the option for "Alternative startup" is grayed out in the DOSBox versions dialouge.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I love DBGL and want badly to utilize the saved states feature in Daum.


Reply 1161 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi Lewis,

Hmm, interesting issue. Can you maybe start DBGL from within a terminal window, and check what error messages show up when you try to start a Daum or Dominus DOSBox build?

'Alternative startup' is MS Windows specific, thus is not available on OSX and Linux environments. However, an alternative method of starting DOSBox may indeed also be necessary for the special DOSBox builds you mention.. I'll see what I can do.


Reply 1162 of 2099, by LewisWoolridge

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Rank Newbie

Hey Ronald - Thanks for responding and thanks ever so much for DBGL. It has brought me many hours of joy!

I didn't know that I could launch the DBGL binary directly from the Terminal. I did that, and you know what, the DAUM build is working perfectly with DBGL now. I have save states at last! There are no error messages in the Terminal or anything.

The strangest thing though is that when I simply launch the DBGL app, the frontend launches with no problem, but the DAUM build immediately crashes when I try to launch a profile or launch it manually. I can't wrap my head around why that might be since DBGL is launched either way.

Since I can easily launch from Terminal, my problem is basically solved, but it would be slightly better to be able to launch the app instead. I know you are a bit of a perfectionist, so if you want to try to figure it out, I am at your disposal. I can provide the OSX crash log for DosBox if that would help or anything else you might require.


Reply 1163 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

Another test build 0.79i is ready with the following changes:

* Implemented alternative DOSBox startup mode for both Linux and Mac OS X which should help when using for example YKHWong's Daum builds (Lewis);
* Added basic event logging and a new log dialog (File->Log..) to view the log, sort it, filter it (right-click on a table field), enable or disable it, or clear the log;

I've also received a report that DBGL on Linux might crash when using an older version of KDE, specifically using the library gtk2-theme-oxygen. If you're experiencing these problems, either use a different theme for GTK2, or try to update gtk2-theme-oxygen to 1.4.6 or later.

This will be the last test build, unless any serious issues pop up. If anybody is planning to work on updating a translation, please do so now as I will most likely release 0.80 next week.

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the jar as usual.


Reply 1164 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi everybody.

I've just released DBGL 0.80 with a few last changes:

* Updated add/edit filter dialog for new database stats fields
* Chinese translation update from Ying Zhang

Please enjoy the new release!


Reply 1165 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Just tried v0.80 and it looks like I failed to notice some new text strings that need to be translated... can I have a link to the translation template for Spanish?

Thank you.

Reply 1166 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Sure, you can find it here.

I think the following line numbers are the ones that have been added in this release:



Reply 1167 of 2099, by Neville

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Reply 1168 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Good stuff, thank you Neville!

Reply 1169 of 2099, by RetroFAN

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Rank Newbie

This issue doesn't allow me to sleep...
I need to tell you about this low level problem about MobyGames query module, consider (for example) these two games:

Solar Winds: Galaxy
Solar Winds: The Escape

As you can see in the attached images:
if I edit "Galaxy" profile and then query MobyGames I only see the "aka" name for "The Escape" profile
if I edit "The Escape" profile and then query MobyGames I only see the "aka" name for "Galaxy" profile

The attachment Screenshot - 29_12_2015 , 21_56_13.png is no longer available
The attachment Screenshot - 29_12_2015 , 21_57_00.png is no longer available

In my case, this happens a lot of times but I'm able to find a common denominator 🙁

Reply 1170 of 2099, by RetroFAN

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Rank Newbie

And to tell the true it seems to be a MobyGames "feature"; just realized that the same happens with their search engine on the site 🙁

Reply 1171 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

I've prepared another gamepackarchive (158MB) for your enjoyment with freeware, shareware and demo games as reviewed by Kris Asick from Pixelmusement in his webshow called Ancient DOS Games, episodes 134 to 176. The pack contains the following games:

Amy's First Primer
Cannon Fodder
Chopper Commando
DreamWeb (floppy version)
Full Throttle
Sam & Max: Hit the Road
Slipstream 5000
Squarez Deluxe!
Street Rod
Street Rod 2: The Next Generation
Street Rod Special Edition
Xerix II: The Caverns of Mars

I've also found that there are demos 'out there' for both "Under a Killing Moon" and "MegaRace 2" but decided not to include these in the pack because of their sheer size. Any remarks and suggestions are welcome!


Reply 1172 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

Cool! Loved "Blood" and "Slipstream 5000" back in the day.

Reply 1173 of 2099, by RetroFAN

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Rank Newbie
RetroFAN wrote:

And to tell the true it seems to be a MobyGames "feature"; just realized that the same happens with their search engine on the site 🙁

At least I've found the reason, it's difficult to hack the search function?

Reply 1174 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

I don't know, is there a way around the problem?

Reply 1175 of 2099, by jm2k7

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Rank Newbie

Hello, I wonder if there is any way that DBGL start or run executable files without going through dosbox.

For example: I have several games SourcePort, gzdoom among others and run, but I would incorporate it into DBGL, the problem is that it only works with dosbox.

Is there any way to run my gzdoom bypassing DOSBox?

edit: ready, I've got a way to divert dosbox.

edit the profile of the game, go to "custom commands", then "native OS" then add native command, choose the executable ZDoom or gzdoom inside the game folder and ready.

Reply 1176 of 2099, by Monotremata

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Rank Newbie

Just signed up to post, Im having some trouble getting anything past 0.78 running on Mac OS 10.7.4.. 0.78 runs fine, but just grabbed 0.80 today and it immediately crashes on launch. Checked the console and the error message I got was telling me, I need Java 1.7 installed. I DO in fact have the latest 1.8.72 JRE installed from Oracle, but after some digging, I noticed its installed a bit differently than it should be. My /Library/Java/Java Virtual Machines folder is completely empty. The latest versions direct from Oracle install themselves in the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder, and the file is a .plugin archive. Theres no Java jdk or anything installed. It does appear I also have 1.6 installed in the /System/Java/Java Virtual Machines and /usr/bin directories as it normally would be (Im assuming this is the old Apple one that was discontinued). There is no longer the old Apple Java control panel app, but the new one from Oracle, doesnt even show me the 1.6 one, it thinks I have 1.8_72 installed. Inside the plugin, theres no java_home app to try and set the default Java version either, and if I try to use the java_home thats in /usr/libexec it cant find 1.8_72, so I have no way of telling it to use it.. Do we have to install the whole JDK in order to get it to work properly now or is there someway I can tell the system to use /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin instead???

EDIT: Found a temporary way to run it.. In the console I had to use "export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Internet-Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/contents/home" first and then launch DBGL via command line with "open -a /Volumes/DOS/DBGL.app", but Im hoping theres a way to do this so I can just click on the DBGL app and not have to export that variable and launch by command line every time??

EDITEDIT: Yep, Mac OS X folks have to install the whole JDK, not the JRE, unless you like launching it from the command line every time.. The JAVA_HOME trick works, but you can only launch it from the terminal that way. Even tried removing a couple of Apple's symlinks that point to the 1.6 jdk and pointing it to the home folder inside the plugin, but it wont launch DBGL like a normal app. The Desktop still only sees 1.6 as the installed Java where your shell works when you export it every time or set it in your profile. Might wanna note that on the homepage, I havent been able to update mine for months because I couldnt figure out what was wrong. At least now we got it. If theres some global spot to set JAVA_HOME and leave the JRE only, I couldnt figure it out, and I didnt want to start messing with /etc/paths because it didnt look like the place to set a variable like that.

Reply 1177 of 2099, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I have a question... with the end of the JAVA browser plugin, questions have arisen about the future of JAVA entirely... is this program going to become standalone or will still depend on the JAVA RE?

Reply 1178 of 2099, by Monotremata

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Rank Newbie
Neville wrote:

I have a question... with the end of the JAVA browser plugin, questions have arisen about the future of JAVA entirely... is this program going to become standalone or will still depend on the JAVA RE?

Is the browser plugin really dead though?? I just updated to the latest one yesterday, and as far as I know Chrome is the only browser its not supported in but thats due to the way Google deals with plugins now. Should still be fine in Firefox/Safari/etc..

Reply 1179 of 2099, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

@Monotremata; although I didn't test DBGL on that many OSX machines, I have never experienced any issues like you describe, and I didn't receive any such reports from other users. But I think you should be able to resolve the problem easily, maybe try the information provided here or here.

Although the Java browser plugin (applet) might be quite dead, the Java language and framework most certainly are not (http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperi … tpci/index.html). DBGL has nothing to do with the browser plugin and only requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). I see no reason whatsoever to change this as it is the main reason for DBGL's portability. But if anyone is feeling inclined to rewrite a fork in C++ using Qt, for example, by all means go right ahead.