First post, by superfury
According to the manuals I can find, the MUL and IMUL instructions (both byte and word sized) only affect the carry and sign flags (set or cleared depending on AX or DX::AX overflow).
However, I find some strange bit of CPU detection code in the Super PC/Turbo XT BIOS 2.5 (detecting 8088 vs V20 CPU):
; Detect CPU type (8088 or V20)
proc cpu_check near ; Test for 8088 or V20 CPU
xor al, al ; Clean out al to set ZF
mov al, 40h ; mul on V20 does not affect the zero flag
mul al ; but on an 8088 the zero flag is used
jz @@have_v20 ; Was zero flag set?
mov si, offset str_8088 ; No, so we have an 8088 CPU
mov si, offset str_v20 ; Otherwise we have a V20 CPU
endp cpu_check
According to this code, the zero flag is affected like other instructions with 8-bit MUL instructions? What about 16-bit MUL instructions and IMUL instructions? Does the zero flag work or not?
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