Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 16000 of 54413, by xplus93

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creepingnet wrote:

Those were my favorite of the modern Dell keyboards for a long time, have one in one of my offices at work for diagnosing issues with computers there actually, except the knob is missing (the common problem with these). I used to deploy these things new for Boeing back in 2007-2011 (Dell tech). However, there were some versions of these that I disliked, they were the earlier ones, they were too springy for me.

Hmm, yeah, the older ones with the "midnight grey" color instead of black are not as good. I've got one set aside simply to match an XPS 600 that I plan on getting.

XPS 466V|486-DX2|64MB|#9 GXE 1MB|SB32 PnP
Presario 4814|PMMX-233|128MB|Trio64
XPS R450|PII-450|384MB|TNT2 Pro| TB Montego
XPS B1000r|PIII-1GHz|512MB|GF2 PRO 64MB|SB Live!
XPS Gen2|P4 EE 3.4|2GB|GF 6800 GT OC|Audigy 2

Reply 16001 of 54413, by Lukeno94

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Rank Oldbie

I'm a fan of my Corsair K70, but that's rather modern - for classic things, the best I've used (having never had one of those mechanical Dells or Model Ms) has to be that on the Inspiron 8000 and 8100 laptops!

Just ordered myself a Laplink 2000 kit, hopefully it's all there!

Reply 16002 of 54413, by appiah4

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Rank l33t++

I'm actually buying one of these as I type this:


Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 16003 of 54413, by xplus93

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Lukeno94 wrote:

I'm a fan of my Corsair K70, but that's rather modern - for classic things, the best I've used (having never had one of those mechanical Dells or Model Ms) has to be that on the Inspiron 8000 and 8100 laptops!

Those are pretty good, they're the same as on my Precision M50 and Latitude C810. I've heard IBm ones were better. The best laptop keyboard i've used has been the powerbook 5300/3400 keyboard. It feels like a desktop keyboard, not a good one, but still far better than any other laptop keyboard.

XPS 466V|486-DX2|64MB|#9 GXE 1MB|SB32 PnP
Presario 4814|PMMX-233|128MB|Trio64
XPS R450|PII-450|384MB|TNT2 Pro| TB Montego
XPS B1000r|PIII-1GHz|512MB|GF2 PRO 64MB|SB Live!
XPS Gen2|P4 EE 3.4|2GB|GF 6800 GT OC|Audigy 2

Reply 16004 of 54413, by luckybob

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Rank l33t


OOOOO... Thats spiffy. I like it!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 16005 of 54413, by brostenen

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I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
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001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 16006 of 54413, by clueless1

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brostenen wrote:

I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


Very nice deal, man. Even the cache is upgradable with the empty sockets. Very good graphics card and VLB controller. Complete package. 😀 Do you have any AT cases?

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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Reply 16007 of 54413, by brostenen

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clueless1 wrote:
brostenen wrote:

I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


Very nice deal, man. Even the cache is upgradable with the empty sockets. Very good graphics card and VLB controller. Complete package. 😀 Do you have any AT cases?

Thanks.... I only searched for VL Controller on eBay and it came right up on first page of results (or second).
Regarding the case... Well... See that is the thing. I have no spare AT case.
To complete my collection of machines that show the hardware progress from mid-80's to circa 01, I need
two AT cases or three. If I can source beige ATX cases with holes for AT boards, then they will do.

My collection is actually a project I started on in 2013, were I decided to see if I was able to collect
a fleet of working machines. So basically.... I am nearly in goal, with 13 functional machines as of now. 😜

My FIC 486 VIP IO are in an early A-Open HX45 case, were I have mutilated a 5.25 bay cover with a switch.
So yeah.... ATX's can do. Real AT's are preferable, just, they have dried horrible up. 🙁

I have seen people reporting about searching for something else, and a good deal came up instead.
Just never ever thought that it would happen to me personally. 😀

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 16008 of 54413, by Robin4

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brostenen wrote:

I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


I have the same boards here..

One is the 4AHT version, the other is the 4AH cheaper version without VRM.. (that last one iam going to mod)

These boards are from 1994.. The highest cpu you can use is the AMD 486 DX4 120 Mhz.. Maybe it will support overdrive processors, but not more then that.

~ At least it can do black and white~

Reply 16009 of 54413, by brostenen

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Robin4 wrote:
I have the same boards here.. […]
Show full quote
brostenen wrote:

I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


I have the same boards here..

One is the 4AHT version, the other is the 4AH cheaper version without VRM.. (that last one iam going to mod)

These boards are from 1994.. The highest cpu you can use is the AMD 486 DX4 120 Mhz.. Maybe it will support overdrive processors, but not more then that.

No worries. I am going to recreate my DX2-66 system that I bought in 1995. 😀 Or at least something that reminds of it. The original board was an Edom VLB board, that had 3 VLB slots. Same CL model though, with 1mb on the one I had back then.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 16010 of 54413, by xplus93

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Rank Oldbie
brostenen wrote:

I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


I'd say for that price and that much hardware you'd have a hard time going wrong. Bare motherboards are pretty much the same price. I guess you gotta wait in silence till April for a soundblaster though. 😜

XPS 466V|486-DX2|64MB|#9 GXE 1MB|SB32 PnP
Presario 4814|PMMX-233|128MB|Trio64
XPS R450|PII-450|384MB|TNT2 Pro| TB Montego
XPS B1000r|PIII-1GHz|512MB|GF2 PRO 64MB|SB Live!
XPS Gen2|P4 EE 3.4|2GB|GF 6800 GT OC|Audigy 2

Reply 16011 of 54413, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++
xplus93 wrote:
brostenen wrote:

I think I just blew march month's retro money on something interresting....
Good or bad purchase? Personally I like it, but what do other say?


I'd say for that price and that much hardware you'd have a hard time going wrong. Bare motherboards are pretty much the same price. I guess you gotta wait in silence till April for a soundblaster though. 😜

Actually the same thought that hit me, at 4am. The board goes for roughly the same as the complete bundle.
I guess I can put it in another perspective. Motherboard + free bonus items. 😀 (or something)

For the soundcard, I am planning to look for an Sound Galaxy NX Pro 16 (if I remember the name correctly)
This was my first soundcard, that I ever had. On the other hand, I had that in my first Computer, that I ever bought.
Wich were an Cyrix 486 SLC-2 (50 or 66. I can't remember) with 4mb of ram, ET4000 and 120mb HDD.
So I might not feel that it belongs in a DX2 system, in wich I used to run a SB16-Value CT2770.

Finally... I have a nice stash of ISA soundcards. And I think I might use one of my SB16's instead.
If I eventually go all out on era correct cards, I might be using my Creative AWE32 CT3900 card.
It is sitting inside a box, packed in an antistatic bag doing nothing as of now.

Anyway.... That is for the future, for me to figure out what to do.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 16012 of 54413, by xplus93

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Rank Oldbie
brostenen wrote:

Finally... I have a nice stash of ISA soundcards. And I think I might use one of my SB16's instead.
If I eventually go all out on era correct cards, I might be using my Creative AWE32 CT3900 card.
It is sitting inside a box, packed in an antistatic bag doing nothing as of now.

I'd say go with that, i've got a CT3600 and I love it. Need to put some SIMMs in it though.

XPS 466V|486-DX2|64MB|#9 GXE 1MB|SB32 PnP
Presario 4814|PMMX-233|128MB|Trio64
XPS R450|PII-450|384MB|TNT2 Pro| TB Montego
XPS B1000r|PIII-1GHz|512MB|GF2 PRO 64MB|SB Live!
XPS Gen2|P4 EE 3.4|2GB|GF 6800 GT OC|Audigy 2

Reply 16013 of 54413, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++
Robin4 wrote:

One is the 4AHT version, the other is the 4AH cheaper version without VRM.. (that last one iam going to mod)

Looking more close at the pictures, I kind of think I spot a Voltage regulator.
Is that correct or wrong? (It is on the last picture)

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 16014 of 54413, by xplus93

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Rank Oldbie
brostenen wrote:
Robin4 wrote:

One is the 4AHT version, the other is the 4AH cheaper version without VRM.. (that last one iam going to mod)

Looking more close at the pictures, I kind of think I spot a Voltage regulator.
Is that correct or wrong? (It is on the last picture)

Looks like it to me as well with the heatsink.

XPS 466V|486-DX2|64MB|#9 GXE 1MB|SB32 PnP
Presario 4814|PMMX-233|128MB|Trio64
XPS R450|PII-450|384MB|TNT2 Pro| TB Montego
XPS B1000r|PIII-1GHz|512MB|GF2 PRO 64MB|SB Live!
XPS Gen2|P4 EE 3.4|2GB|GF 6800 GT OC|Audigy 2

Reply 16015 of 54413, by Lukeno94

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Rank Oldbie
xplus93 wrote:
Lukeno94 wrote:

I'm a fan of my Corsair K70, but that's rather modern - for classic things, the best I've used (having never had one of those mechanical Dells or Model Ms) has to be that on the Inspiron 8000 and 8100 laptops!

Those are pretty good, they're the same as on my Precision M50 and Latitude C810. I've heard IBm ones were better. The best laptop keyboard i've used has been the powerbook 5300/3400 keyboard. It feels like a desktop keyboard, not a good one, but still far better than any other laptop keyboard.

As someone with a whole bunch of ThinkPads; the Inspiron's metal contacts are just far in advance of any IBM ThinkPad I've ever used.

Reply 16016 of 54413, by tikoellner

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I bought two motherboards today (drunk bidding, again). I'm not sure if they work and there's one that looks quite odd to me:


It's a Daewoo (I just hate this brand) VLB motherboard. I don't know how to fit these PS/2 interfaces in any typical case, so it's probably propietary (although it does not propietary to the extent IBM or Compaq boards are).

What seems interesting:
- mentioned PS2 interface;
- UMC chipset;
- integrated IDE and FDD controller;
- two VLB slots;
- integrated beeper.

Reply 16017 of 54413, by Private_Ops

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Where's the CMOS battery?

EDIT: Nvm, looks like it's already been removed? (below PS2 ports)

Reply 16018 of 54413, by tikoellner

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Yeah, happily enough it seems it did not leaked.

Reply 16019 of 54413, by xplus93

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Rank Oldbie
tikoellner wrote:
I bought two motherboards today (drunk bidding, again). I'm not sure if they work and there's one that looks quite odd to me: It […]
Show full quote

I bought two motherboards today (drunk bidding, again). I'm not sure if they work and there's one that looks quite odd to me:
It's a Daewoo (I just hate this brand) VLB motherboard. I don't know how to fit these PS/2 interfaces in any typical case, so it's probably propietary (although it does not propietary to the extent IBM or Compaq boards are).

What seems interesting:
- mentioned PS2 interface;
- UMC chipset;
- integrated IDE and FDD controller;
- two VLB slots;
- integrated beeper.

Yeah, it looks like an OEM board from a system. Either a pull or if you're lucky NOS replacement part. I can't really tell from the pic, but it looks like all the jumpers are nicely labeled. As far as the ports, I can't exactly tell, but it looks about the same as my Dell 486 board. It's in the same place as a normal keyboard port so modding a case should be easy. Cut out a rectangle with screw holes on either side and drill a pair of holes in a metal plate with matching screw holes and you've got an I/O bracket. Repeat with bigger single hole for AT. Basically what dell did.

XPS 466V|486-DX2|64MB|#9 GXE 1MB|SB32 PnP
Presario 4814|PMMX-233|128MB|Trio64
XPS R450|PII-450|384MB|TNT2 Pro| TB Montego
XPS B1000r|PIII-1GHz|512MB|GF2 PRO 64MB|SB Live!
XPS Gen2|P4 EE 3.4|2GB|GF 6800 GT OC|Audigy 2