First post, by bristlehog

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Rank Oldbie

A simple Win32 console tool that searches given file for XMIDI files inside and extracts whatever it found. It would name any found files 1.xmi, 2.xmi etc.; useful for extracting XMIDI from MIDPAK/AIL/MSS games for further playback.

Note that GTL (*.AD, *.OPL, and sometimes *.MT) files are often needed for XMI playback. You can almost always find that in your game directory. The only game I remember storing GTL files within an archive is Ultima VIII.

If you are unsure whether your game is based on MIDPAK/AIL/MSS, look for *.ADV/A32*.DLL/*.MDI/*.AD/*.OPL files. If ones are present, there's high probability that you will find XMI files too.

If you are unsure which game file(s) you should inspect for XMIDI, try searching for files which contain "XDIRINFO".

Games that UXX is known to work with (with corresponding archive files):

Magic Carpet 2: Netherworlds (music.dat)
Hi Octane (music.dat)
Gene Wars (music.dat)
Syndicate Wars (music.dat)
Ultima VII: Serpent Isle (adlibmus.dat, mt32mus.dat)
Ultima VIII: Pagan (music.flx)
Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe (simon2.gme)
Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (sound.pak)
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos (*.pak)
Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate (audio.pak, introgen.pak)
Legend of Kyrandia: The Malcolm's Revenge (audio.pak, introgen.pak)
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (heroes2.agg)
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty (heroes2x.agg)
Albion (songs0.xld)
Advanced Civilization (aciv.ct5)
Primal Rage (*.gra)
Fade to Black (*.sng)
Realms of Arkania: Blade Of Destiny (blade.dat, dsagen.dat)
Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail (fx.dat)
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor (eye.res, *.gff)
SimCity 2000 (sc2000.dat)
The Elder Scrolls: Arena (global.bsa)
The Seventh Guest (xmi.gjd)
The Eleventh Hour (th_music.gjd)
Master of Orion (music.lbx, introsnd.lbx, snddrv.lbx)
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (res5)
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (res5)
SSN-21 Seawolf (music.plb)
Return to Zork (rtz.prj)
The Terminator: Rampage (global.bsa)
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (cine.gff, resource.gff)
Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (resflop.gff)
Wing Commander: Privateer (rf.tre, priv.tre)
Wings of Glory (wogdata1.tre)
Death Gate (dgate001.mus)
Discworld (midi.dat)
Red Crystal (mid.all)
SimFarm (megadata.eea)
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri (ressound.res)
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb (ite.rsc)
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (musicfm.res, musicgm.res)
Master of Magic (introsnd.lbx, music.lbx, snddrv.lbx)
Settlers (spae.pa)
Settlers II (sound.lst)
Stronghold (strong.dat)
Flame Dragon 2: Legend of Golden Castle (fdmus.dat)
Dungeon Hack (open.res)
Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All Stars (teamxmi.tad, miscxmi.tad)
Menzoberranzan (res5)
Delta V (global.bsa)
Battle Isle 2 (*.lib)
EF2000 (did.dat)
3 Skulls Of The Toltecs (western)
Pickle Wars (pw1.mis)
Living Ball (bitwise)
Ironman X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal (*.wdl)
Gate World (xmidata.gw1, xmidata.gw2, xmidata.gw3)
Wolf (music.dta)
Capitalism (music.res)
Shadowcaster (shadow2.lib)
Road Hog (folder.dat)
Indy Car Racing (main.dat)
The Ancient Art of War in the Skies (snda.*)
SpaceKids (midi.0)
Contraption Zack (objects.prs, introend.prs)
Orbots (themes.ldp)
Master Won Liu 3D (master3d.dat)
Loadstar (*.dat)
Wing Nuts (*.dat)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (*.dat)
1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (music.lbx, snddrv.lbx)
The Gene Machine (vic_a00.dat)
Dinotopia (dinosnd.hrs)
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes II (music.lib)
Heaven's Dawn (hdspe.ljs, hdspe.lj2)
Wolfsbane (wlfsbane.aud)
Skazki na Bereste (graphics.000)

Games incompatible with UXX due to compression used:

Blackthorne (data.dat)
Lost Vikings (data.dat)
Warcraft (data.war)
Warcraft II (maindat.war)
Time Commando (scene.hqr)
Little Big Adventure (midi_mi.hqr, midi_sb.hqr)
Blood Bowl (music.wad)
Seal Team (sound.lib)
United States Navy Fighters (4.lib, 6.lib)
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (data.001)
Star Trek: Judgment Rites (*.001)
Captain Bible in the Dome of Darkness (dd1.dat)
Monopoly Deluxe (mpsndfp.fpf)
Origamo (gl00_xmi.000)
Wing Commander Academy
Mario Is Missing
Mario Is Missing Deluxe


  • Filename
    File size
    18.93 KiB
    File comment
    UXX: universal XMIDI extractor
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
Last edited by bristlehog on 2018-12-20, 12:09. Edited 72 times in total.

Here you can get fantastic wallpapers created by a friend of mine: patreon.com/Unpocodrillo

Reply 3 of 10, by JayCeeBee64

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Rank Retired

You can add this game to your working list bristlehog:

The Terminator: Rampage


28 XMIDI files extracted from GLOBAL.BSA archive file.

Ooohh, the pain......

Reply 4 of 10, by bristlehog

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Rank Oldbie
leileilol wrote:
bristlehog wrote:

Games incompatible with UXX due to compression used:

What about through memory dump?

No much point in that, there are game-specific tools to work with. At least, there's WarDraft for Warcraft I & II, and LBADeComp for LBA and Time Commando. They reportedly extract XMI files from respective games.

JayCeeBee64 wrote:
You can add this game to your working list bristlehog: […]
Show full quote

You can add this game to your working list bristlehog:

The Terminator: Rampage


28 XMIDI files extracted from GLOBAL.BSA archive file.

TY, added.

Here you can get fantastic wallpapers created by a friend of mine: patreon.com/Unpocodrillo

Reply 5 of 10, by aqrit

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Blood Bowl is using MIDPAK/DIGPAK
The files are compressed by PKWARE DCL
( of course, there exists a game-specific tool for this )

edit: there is a partial list of 74 games using the MIDPAK/DIGPAK in the SDK 1.5

Reply 6 of 10, by bristlehog

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Rank Oldbie
aqrit wrote:

Blood Bowl is using MIDPAK/DIGPAK
The files are compressed by PKWARE DCL
( of course, there exists a game-specific tool for this )

TY, added.

Here you can get fantastic wallpapers created by a friend of mine: patreon.com/Unpocodrillo

Reply 7 of 10, by Stefan_L

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I had no idea Syndicate Wars used XMI for music... did they really play in the game? I only remember the CD soundtrack (wich is awesome)... maybe i used to play the game with the CD music too loud so i never heard the XMI music 😀

Reply 9 of 10, by bristlehog

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Rank Oldbie
Joey_sw wrote:

Flame Dragon 2: Legend of Golden Castle (FDMUS.DAT, not-encrypted/compressed, 15 xmi)

TY, added.

Here you can get fantastic wallpapers created by a friend of mine: patreon.com/Unpocodrillo

Reply 10 of 10, by autoexecdotbat

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I immagen the mario's early years games are also using mss and are incompatible for similar reasons, since they used a lot of the same midi files. I heard that they are hidden in plain site but can't prove it since no abandanware site wishes to touch them.

to win the game you must defeat coppa!